we're just a family of finches making our way in the town w/o a frown.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

One little monkey sitting in a tree

This is the song her heiness learned her first day of pre-k. I will post some more pics hopefully tomorrow. I am blogging this from my phone while waiting in the car for my hubby. I know I didn't post last thursday, but in my defense I just wasn't up for it. My dear friend amazon's little sister delivered a baby boy at 23 weeks he lived 3 days. The funeral was last thursday. It has been a rough time for everyone. On a brighter note  I start crochet class tonight.  The hubby changed the dining room into a craft room and I have been very busy crafting.  On to my thankful list.  


1.  Salvation- do I need to explain. I have lost a few people who wer dear to me because they don't understand and can't accept me for who I've become.  I'm sorry for them.

2  friends- the real ones who stick by your side. Thanks guys.

3.  Books- I have been on a reading spree lately & it is quite an expensive habit.

4.  My hubbies job- there are a lot of things about it that make me angry, but I'm learning to latch on to the good parts.

5.  School- I'm so glad school is in session again.

6.  My kiddos- seriously they are such unique individuals.

7.  My hubby- he is amazing & I don't know what I would do without him.  

8.  Music- man I love music

9.  Red plaid heels- so pretty

10. Laughter- I'm trying to laugh more.

Well that's all for now time to eat lunch.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

dancing on the stage of memories

what a wonderful week we have had. i got to see some friends that i haven't seen in years. the kiddos were thrilled to get to spend some quality time with the hubby's family.

her heiness needed some snuggle time with her daddy while we waited for shelly and crew to show at the zoo for our rendezvous.

shelly's boys and my girls hanging together outside of marble slab.

this is just off the river walk in san angelo. the plaque said that she was a water sprite and her heiness demanded having a picture taken with her.

yep my girls are eating ice cream. we met my dear friend snow white in Caldwell. her youngest moved every time i tried to get her in the picture. if you look you can see her hand in the picture.
Nana had a blast getting to spend time with the kiddos. she even let them help feed the cows.

another picture of mine and shelly's crew outside of marble slab.
her heiness and her cousin playing together at Nana's house.

the girls were showing their funky tongues off. her heiness had been eating crazy colors ice cream and her tongue was a weird shade of purple.
this past week has really opened my eyes to how many things i have to be thankful for. i know i have been really hit or miss this summer with thankful list so here is a long one.
1. AC-no really i am sooo thankful. all i have to say is 103 in Austin for a week.
2. good friends- you guys are the best.
3. my palm pre- so awesome, no really it is amazing.
4. benadryl- my eczema has been on super outbreak for a few weeks now.
5. long showers- i usually get a really good one about once a week or so.
6. my kiddos- they regularly amaze me with their capacity for love.
7. good books- i have been able to get some serious reading done with all the driving we have done.
8. blogs- it is the only way i get to keep up with some of my friends. they are also one of the few ways the far away fam can keep up with us.
9. lotion- my skin has been super dry and gross.
10. bedtime- those of you who have kids understand that one right?
11. school- man i am so ready for the steady schedule of the school year.
12. church homes- we have traveled so much this summer we haven't had a chance to attend much, and i really miss it.
a thank you section for my friends-
snow white- you have been my friend for many years. i was so thrilled to get to see you again. thank you for all the wonderful gifties you got for q. thank you for listening t me whine, I'm glad you don't think I'm too crazy.
shellybabes- what a beautiful and amazing family you have. i am so happy for you. thank you for letting me vent to you.
vanilla frog- the blanket is amazing thank you. i will post pics of it soon. we have been using it as his play on the floor blankey.
pattylicious- what would i do with out you? thank you so much, and i do not piss excellence silly girl.
if your not on the list don't fret. this last week has been hell on me and these were my go to girls. thank you.
well this is our last trip of the summer as of Saturday we will be home bound. we hope to get the craft room finished soon, so i will be busy crafting soon i hope.