we're just a family of finches making our way in the town w/o a frown.

Friday, January 25, 2008

we are family, i got all my sisters with me

i have added a few new blogs lately, so i thought i should update my loyal readers with a "who's who" on my blog.

ramirez clan- this is where you can go see wonderful pics of my hubbies' baby sister, she is also one of my closest friends. she has 3 adorable children, a marine for a stepson, and is due again early summer. she is a domestic goddess who teaches her children at home, she must have the patience of Job.

pattylicious says- one of my dearest friends. she has two little boys and will be having twins late may or early june. she teaches theater at one of our area schools. she has helped me through some of my more difficult times. i don't know what i would do with out her.

princess of everything (and then some)- is the mother to stripes(formerly known as big 'uns). she is an amazing crafter who is very witty. she has managed to raise two wonderful children and put herself through college. i truly believe that most single mothers deserve sainthood.

my love- this one should be self explanatory. although currently nothing is on there, this is my hubbies blog.

stipes- is currently in the witness protection program. i could tell you who she is, but then she would have to change identities again and that would just be difficult.Voldemort's mother was on the look out for her and she had to change identities.

ben and christine- ben grew up with the hubby. he and his wife are missionaries in south america. they have some amazing stories on their blog about some of the wonderful work they are helping with.

cates clan- she was one of my buds in gladewater. we were cheerleaders together in middle school. she always had a bright smile and a nice word when i was having a rotten day.

bearden clan- my cousin and his fam can be found here, although they don't put much up and will be moving soon.

opiate of the masses- hilarious is the best word to describe this blog. she is one of the contributors to mamarazzi. which is listed a little farther down the blogroll. i have recently found inspiration on her site. she was talking about how often the clutter in our house is just like the clutter around our middle.

diet naked- i just found this site, and i really dig it. she is upfront and honest with her weight loss, which is something i need.

post secret- is just exactly that. a forum to anonymously post secrets.

cranky fitness- a real look at healthy.

big 'uns- no longer exists, i don't know who you're talking about.

bible verse- is really what it claims to be.

on that note, i need to finish getting the toppings ready for pizza night. i hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed weekend.

1 comment:

Gator World!! said...

OMG, this is SOOOOO funny! I literally laughed out loud. You are too funny sometimes!