we're just a family of finches making our way in the town w/o a frown.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

it is well with my soul

we practiced sunday on the song with that title, it will be our special music on sunday. i understand "when troubles like sea billows roll" a little better now. the good news is that our darling red headed niece will be released from the hospital this week. the bad news is that my dear father in law is facing some very serious charges. anyone who has ever met him knows that the charges are false, but that doesn't stop them. a good friend reminded me this morning that God is in control, and that he only allows what we can handle. thank you, i needed reminding. i was going to write a blog about all of the wonderful things that we've been doing, but my mood is a little down currently. so i will try my best. we have been taking advantage of all the beautiful weather that we have been having here. finch has built 2 bird houses and several bird feeders. we also have a wonderful front yard with a fence around it. we hacked back our rosemary, it is trying to take over the world. the family of finch is looking forward to spring and summer, so we can get our garden going. hope that everyone has a blessed day. please continue to keep the fam in your prayers. oh i almost forgot my swap pal got her package and she liked it. i put in a pair of valentine socks, a heart note pad, some lotion, body wash, chap stick, coffee, and some homemade apple butter.


Leah of RamFam said...

We're enjoying our weather, too. It's 24 with light snow today. :)

Gator World!! said...

Please tell Pappy that he is in our prayers!