we're just a family of finches making our way in the town w/o a frown.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

banned book week

today begins banned book week 2007. i have a link to the site at the top of my blog page. if you haven't read Fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury this is the perfect week to read it. the title refers to the temperature at which paper will ignite. it is a great book and it warns of the perils of banning books. i don't think that it will get quite so severe, at least in my lifetime, but i want to do my part. practice your freedom read a banned book. if nothing else go check the list out. you might be surprised by some of the books on the list. i know i have read several that are on the list. anywho this is a short blog because i am getting everything ready for our trip to vegas next week. woo hoo.

1 comment:

Leah of RamFam said...

We are praying for you as you travel and are separated from the wee ones. Love. :)