ok, so i haven't gotten much sleep this week and it is really taking its toll on me. the hubby bought me the book twilight used. he knows how much i love to read, and i've always had a thing for vamps. anyway he said for $4.50 he couldn't pass it up. had he known that the series was like heroin for me he might have passed. i started the books on sunday night before church, and i finished last night at 11:30. the hubby was thrilled because i didn't care if he stayed up and played on the wii. i was thrilled that she ended the series well, but i was sad that it was over. i read the dark tower series by stephen king and was furious at the ending, but he isn't known for his happy endings. anyway i woke up this morning sick. my stomach isn't holding anything down and i am having some difficulty breathing. i hope to nap when her heiness does, and maybe that will help some. the problem is that i am highly prone to bronchitis and these are usually the beginning symptoms for me. yeah i know that bronchitis isn't that bad, but usually it only takes mine 2 days until it is pneumonia. usually the doc gives antibiotics and steroids, but being preggers they don't like to give either to me. i am hoping that the usual cure of rest and liquids will have me up and normal soon. well before i begin to wallow in self pity her is my thankful list:
1. good books- they were seriously impossible for me to put down which says quite a bit because i am a busy girl.
2. good friends- amazon brought me breakfast this morning because the hubby told her i wasn't feeling well.
3. tums maximum strength- oh yeah heartburn hit early this pregnancy.
4. hot drinks- they almost help the nausea and sore throat.
5. the wii- it has made an excellent grounding item for monkey
6. realizing my weaknesses- i am part of the children's christmas program at my church, and i am so not made to work with children. i ADORE my kids, but wow an hour and a half with these kids and i am ready to commit serious atrocities.
7. my kiddos- not sure what i would do without there love and affection. they are so kind and loving.
8. the christmas season- LOVE this time of year and all that it means
9. my awesome phone- oh yeah still loving the phone.
10. bellydancing classes- i will be taking a class in the spring on monday nights, and i am way excited about it.
well, it is quickly nearing nap time and i need to get her heiness ready, so until next time think about what you are thankful for. have a great day and thanks for the awesome comments.
we're just a family of finches making our way in the town w/o a frown.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
she was glad about it... no doubt about it
what a weekend we had. amazon and her crew came over for pizza night, and she brought the latest addition. he is a beautiful boxer puppy named copper. he and bruno played around outside while we enjoyed homemade pizza. we put up the tree friday and i am always so impressed at how beautiful it is. the girls had a blast putting decorations on it. saturday was a laze about kind of day. we put up the rest of the decorations and just hung out as a family. we looked up potential vacation ideas, and have decided on Sandals in Jamaica. we are going to get the romantic honeymoon package, and pawn the kids off on family for a week. this won't be for another 2 years because we want the wee one to be big enough that it can be left with someone. we also looked at taking the whole family to Beaches resort. monkey is way more than excited, but got a little whiny when i explained that it would be after the little one was born that we would go. the hubby says that we can fly first class, how awesome is that. i have never flown first class, and i can't begin to describe my excitement. we are hoping to be able to fly to see the SIL in DC at some point in the future, but once again all travel is on hold until after the wee one arrives in May. monkey has taken to calling the baby Q, which is what we will call it if it's a boy. his given name will be my husband's name, but instead of the 3rd he will be the 4th. we decided Q for cuatro. yes i know it doesn't start with q, but it does have the q sound. something else may come to us before then, but i would feel guilty if only one member of our family got a somewhat common name. we should know next month what we are having. i am officially incapable of hiding the burgeoning belly. the hubby really digs the belly, but i find it somewhat exasperating that some of my friends showed less carrying twins than i do carrying one. the doctor is wanting to induce early due to the size that my babies tend to grow. we haven't discussed how early yet, but at least one week possibly two is my guess. her heiness arrived a week early weighing in at 9 1/2 lbs. monkey was 2-3 weeks early she weighed 7 lbs 11 oz, so the doctor is a wee bit concerned that this one could be even larger. i didn't gain much weight with either pregnancy nor did i have gestational diabetes, so basically i just have big babies. the hubby says that it is the native american in me. that i have big indian babies that can survive on the plains. her heiness pages, so until next time have a great week.
Friday, December 5, 2008
i know i've been here before
i would have posted yesterday, but i was working hard at getting rid of the blahs. i have died my hair, painted my nails, ordered the hubby's anniversary surprise, helped out a friend, baked banana bread, and finished all the laundry in my house. i feel like super woman. well, we are busy cleaning the house today for pizza night so i will get on my list.
1. helping others- what an amazing thing to be able to do.
2. nail polish- dark vampire red as i am currently wearing is one of my winter favorites.
3. feria- it was my chosen hair dye in college and i am enjoying dark hair this winter.
4. being asked my opinion- my SIL called to ask about truffles. i love to make truffles during the holiday season, and being asked about it makes me feel competent about something.
5. baking- the banana bread made the entire house smell heavenly. today i'm making bonnie's favorite sugar cookies.
6. reading- the hubby bought me the new book of short stories by stephen king and i'm about half way through it, and i have found myself reading instead of napping. well, and laying down causes instant heartburn.
7. coffee with friends- pattylicious and i after shopping last night stopped by and got coffee. it was nice to sit and chat without being tugged in a hundred directions.
8. my AMAZING husband- last night he insisted that we drive to the big city so i could get pattylicious a dress for her party tonight. he volunteered to stay at the house and watch the kids so we could go by ourselves. that's right all the kids at bedtime. when we made it back to the house we found four sweet sleeping children of pattylicious and two little girls ready to go home and get some rest.
9. music- what an amazing lift it can bring to the soul.
10. an unexpected hug- i'm not a touchy feely kind of girl, but amazon saw that i looked bummed and she walked right up and gave me a big hug, "cause you look like you need one." i have amazing friends.
i heard rumors of snow again, but i'm beginning to wonder if we're going to get any this year. the hubby and i are celebrating 10 years of wedded bliss in 2 weeks, and the question arose "what do you want?" the hubby is easy he likes to makes his own beer, so a beer kit keeps him content. i'm also getting him some good cologne. as for me...? i told him i was happy and content with what i have, so i really didn't want anything. my mom of course said that i needed to think of something, but really i think i own every small appliance known to man. i have tons of pjs, a nice new robe, nice smelly good, and i am at a loss for what to ask for. the hubby's reply was "well, then think of where you would like to go on vacation, and we'll save up for it." i asked with or without kids because we have never vacationed without the wee ones firmly attached. he said both. well, enough about me. what are you thankful for this week? a hug from a child, breakfast in bed, a shoulder to cry on, or the glorious season that we find ourselves in? i'm thankful for all of those and so much more. take some time to think about it. find the joy in the season and share it with others.
1. helping others- what an amazing thing to be able to do.
2. nail polish- dark vampire red as i am currently wearing is one of my winter favorites.
3. feria- it was my chosen hair dye in college and i am enjoying dark hair this winter.
4. being asked my opinion- my SIL called to ask about truffles. i love to make truffles during the holiday season, and being asked about it makes me feel competent about something.
5. baking- the banana bread made the entire house smell heavenly. today i'm making bonnie's favorite sugar cookies.
6. reading- the hubby bought me the new book of short stories by stephen king and i'm about half way through it, and i have found myself reading instead of napping. well, and laying down causes instant heartburn.
7. coffee with friends- pattylicious and i after shopping last night stopped by and got coffee. it was nice to sit and chat without being tugged in a hundred directions.
8. my AMAZING husband- last night he insisted that we drive to the big city so i could get pattylicious a dress for her party tonight. he volunteered to stay at the house and watch the kids so we could go by ourselves. that's right all the kids at bedtime. when we made it back to the house we found four sweet sleeping children of pattylicious and two little girls ready to go home and get some rest.
9. music- what an amazing lift it can bring to the soul.
10. an unexpected hug- i'm not a touchy feely kind of girl, but amazon saw that i looked bummed and she walked right up and gave me a big hug, "cause you look like you need one." i have amazing friends.
i heard rumors of snow again, but i'm beginning to wonder if we're going to get any this year. the hubby and i are celebrating 10 years of wedded bliss in 2 weeks, and the question arose "what do you want?" the hubby is easy he likes to makes his own beer, so a beer kit keeps him content. i'm also getting him some good cologne. as for me...? i told him i was happy and content with what i have, so i really didn't want anything. my mom of course said that i needed to think of something, but really i think i own every small appliance known to man. i have tons of pjs, a nice new robe, nice smelly good, and i am at a loss for what to ask for. the hubby's reply was "well, then think of where you would like to go on vacation, and we'll save up for it." i asked with or without kids because we have never vacationed without the wee ones firmly attached. he said both. well, enough about me. what are you thankful for this week? a hug from a child, breakfast in bed, a shoulder to cry on, or the glorious season that we find ourselves in? i'm thankful for all of those and so much more. take some time to think about it. find the joy in the season and share it with others.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
soon enough you're to think of me and how i used to be
from time to time i fall into what i call "the funk" or "the blahs". it isn't really depression so much as a general sense of blah.my mom calls it "the grays", she says that it isn't as serious as "the blues", but sometimes much darker. she says that when she falls into them she feels like eeyore always saying "i'm gray". i asked my mom what brings her's on, and she said she's not really sure that they occur at the most random times. i'm not ever sure what brings them on or how long they'll last, but man i really need to shake them. what is really strange is that they don't occur at times when i should be sad or distracted. sometimes during wonderful times when i have nothing to be sad about, but still i find myself distracted. i think that the thankful lists are my way of trying to stave off the weird mood i often find myself in. i say that the lists must have worked because until recently i haven't had "the blahs" in almost a year or so. well, this has been somewhat cleansing, hey as rob thomas sings in his song unwell "i'm not crazy, i'm just a little unwell." the song is on my playlist if you aren't familiar with it. that is kind of how i've felt the last few weeks, so i'll keep trying to find the me i like to be. sorry if this has been a bit of a bummer, but i needed to empty my ever full mind. don't worry tomorrow i will have a thankful list, and i'll keep smiling until it doesn't feel quite so forced.
Monday, December 1, 2008
tinkerbell, tinkerbell, tinker all the way
her heiness was singing those words sung to the tune of jingle bells this morning, and it has kind of stuck in my head. i should add that she watched the tinker bell movie this morning on tv. i hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed turkey day. i was in pville, or stephen kingville as i have often called it for the festivities. the girls were thrilled to spend so many days in a row with the grandma. we had a wonderful time cooking, laughing and just having a great time. i am almost finished with my apron for the christmas apron swap. unfortunately, i have no car, so it will be sent one day late. i'm beginning to wonder if i'm ever going to have a vehicle again. there is a rumor that the pappy will be coming for a visit, but i'm not sure when. i had hoped to get the christmas tree up on saturday, but we hung with the cowden clan instead. it was well worth it. here is my thankful list:
1. antacids- even though i didn't eat a fraction of what i wanted, pregnancy heartburn is serious business.
2. children singing- i don't think that there is a sweeter sound than that of children singing. well, maybe children laughing.
3. budgets- i spent several hours this morning redoing our budget to adjust for new paydays. it is so nice to see that everything can be paid on time, and that we are still on target for being out of debt.
4. angel food ministries- with out them i wouldn't be able to stay on my budget food wise.
5. my hubby- as bad as he irritates me sometimes, i am SO BLESSED to have such an amazing man. anyone who could love the damaged goods he got a hold of must be amazing.
6. my buds- i'm pretty tough on friends. i expect a lot from them, and i hope that i am as good of a friend to them as they are to me.
7. snow- i am beginning to wonder if we're ever going to get any. snow is what makes the cold bearable.
8. getting older- it is amazing how petty things seem now, that were so important not too many years ago. i look forward to many years left to come.
9. good food- i was responsible for the rolls this turkey day, and i think i did a pretty good job on them. they tasted wonderful.
10. the great outdoors- i love to look around and see all of the wonderful things God has made in this world.
i hope that you had lots of things on your thankful list. there are so many things to be grateful for. when the cramping gets really bad, i am grateful to not be spotting. when i can't breathe out of my nose, i am grateful that i can breathe at all. when i get discouraged at the giant round shape i am beginning to take, i rejoice at the life growing inside. take some time to reflect and find joy in the little things. wear a smile, it will keep people guessing.
1. antacids- even though i didn't eat a fraction of what i wanted, pregnancy heartburn is serious business.
2. children singing- i don't think that there is a sweeter sound than that of children singing. well, maybe children laughing.
3. budgets- i spent several hours this morning redoing our budget to adjust for new paydays. it is so nice to see that everything can be paid on time, and that we are still on target for being out of debt.
4. angel food ministries- with out them i wouldn't be able to stay on my budget food wise.
5. my hubby- as bad as he irritates me sometimes, i am SO BLESSED to have such an amazing man. anyone who could love the damaged goods he got a hold of must be amazing.
6. my buds- i'm pretty tough on friends. i expect a lot from them, and i hope that i am as good of a friend to them as they are to me.
7. snow- i am beginning to wonder if we're ever going to get any. snow is what makes the cold bearable.
8. getting older- it is amazing how petty things seem now, that were so important not too many years ago. i look forward to many years left to come.
9. good food- i was responsible for the rolls this turkey day, and i think i did a pretty good job on them. they tasted wonderful.
10. the great outdoors- i love to look around and see all of the wonderful things God has made in this world.
i hope that you had lots of things on your thankful list. there are so many things to be grateful for. when the cramping gets really bad, i am grateful to not be spotting. when i can't breathe out of my nose, i am grateful that i can breathe at all. when i get discouraged at the giant round shape i am beginning to take, i rejoice at the life growing inside. take some time to reflect and find joy in the little things. wear a smile, it will keep people guessing.
Monday, November 24, 2008
i just want to live while i'm alive
what a weekend we had. we took the girls to go see bolt on friday, it was cute. on saturday we had a wee get together for monkey's birthday. i can't believe how big she is getting. i know that sounds corny, but it doesn't seem like that long ago. amazon gave monkey an easy bake oven for her birthday, i'm a bit jealous. we are having a family birthday party for her on friday after thanksgiving. my aunt sue is baking the cake for her. i went to the post office friday to send my thankful things swap package, and there waiting for me were 3 packages. i was sure at least 2 had to be for monkey, but no they were all for me. one was my thankful things package.
the humorous part is that many of the things she was thankful for i am too, so she got different things for the same thankful. the other two packages were from my friend vanillafrog. this is what was in them.
monkey was sad there wasn't anything at the post office for her, so i let her have a piece of paper from the notepad. i LOVE surprise gifties, and these couldn't have come at a better time. the hubby and i had a HUGE fight on thursday and my best bud called to let me know that her situation had gone from bad to horrible. well, the hubby and i are fine he admitted that he had been inconsiderate and i said that i would try not to get my feelings hurt. then yesterday i got news that my best bud's situation is improving. so the gifties were the beginning of a wonderful weekend. thanks you guys.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
take your fast car and keep on driving
i've been having a rough week. we are officially a 1 car family which means that as the housewife, i don't get the car. strange when the hubby was describing the job he didn't mention 12 hour days with me having no transportation. he also didn't mention that he was going to be gone overnight at least once every week. strange i might not have been so excited about it. i know i'm whining, but i'm really upset by this. we also discussed that one of the towns that he will be working is close enough that he wouldn't need to stay the night there, so can someone explain why he stayed there last night? i've been feeling puny the last few days due to the walk to the post office and bank. it's only a little over a mile round trip, but i felt like someone had kicked me in my uterus. whole lot of no fun. some updates for my loyal bloggy readers. my best bud's news has not gotten any better and i may need to bust a few kneecaps to get the problem resolved. supermom is feeling better. amazon's loser ex is in town to see the kids, talk about wanting to bust some kneecaps. my mom is getting excited about our visit to see her next week. we are getting ready for monkey to turn 9. i only feel old when i think about her age, strange huh. well, i feel a wee bit better now that i have vented some. on to my thankfuls
1. Pastor Paul- i needed a ride to church so i could fix dinner and he was having dental work done and couldn't help. he smiles and says use the church van, so i did. it was nice not to have to walk to church.
2. swaps- i have been a lousy swapper the last round of swaps. i had my packages ready on time, but i just didn't make it to the post office. they are all sent and should be received by friday. look what i got though
this is the apron i received for the hot cups for hot mamas apron swap isn't it fab.
it's reversible too. my lady also sent a beautiful mug, it's in the wash so no pic sorry, some way awesome hot chocolate and some marshmallows. it is amaretto flavored chocolate, my fave.
this is my sassy christmas apron and the picture does it no justice. it is sparkly and pretty and wonderful. i had to fight to get it away from the girls. in the package i also got some yummy tea, the gingerbread tea is divine, a cookie cutter, and stencil.
3. friends- i know i put this one on every week, but i really don't know what i'd do with out them. amazon picked monkey up from basketball, so i wouldn't have to walk to go get her. my dearest best bud let me vent and whine, and what she is going through is WAY more difficult than what i'm whining about. all of you who were so worried about me. man am i blessed. thanx
4. my health- yeah i don't feel 100%, but i'm healthy. i can walk, talk, sing, listen, and so much more.
5. my washer and dryer- the 2 weeks when i didn't post, i didn't do much at all including laundry. the fact that my washer and dryer are large capacity make the job much easier now that i have to do it. in fact since monday i have done roughly 10 loads. i wonder why i'm worn out?
6. my sister in law- yeah, we might not agree on everything, but what an amazing woman and friend she has become. she calls regularly to check up on me and the wee ones, even though she has a house full of sick little ones.
7. moments of peace- with a 2 1/2 year old they don't come often, but i sure enjoy them when they do.
8. hot tea- really warms me up on days when the wind won't stop blowing.
9. the pick up- man will i be happy when it is running again.
10. laughter- sometimes it really is the best medicine.
what are you thankful for this week? is it the cold chill in the air, the first snow, a baby's smile, or the future and all of the possibilities that it holds? take time to tell those around you how you feel. call your mom tell her love her, she wants to hear it. hope you have a great weekend.
1. Pastor Paul- i needed a ride to church so i could fix dinner and he was having dental work done and couldn't help. he smiles and says use the church van, so i did. it was nice not to have to walk to church.
2. swaps- i have been a lousy swapper the last round of swaps. i had my packages ready on time, but i just didn't make it to the post office. they are all sent and should be received by friday. look what i got though
3. friends- i know i put this one on every week, but i really don't know what i'd do with out them. amazon picked monkey up from basketball, so i wouldn't have to walk to go get her. my dearest best bud let me vent and whine, and what she is going through is WAY more difficult than what i'm whining about. all of you who were so worried about me. man am i blessed. thanx
4. my health- yeah i don't feel 100%, but i'm healthy. i can walk, talk, sing, listen, and so much more.
5. my washer and dryer- the 2 weeks when i didn't post, i didn't do much at all including laundry. the fact that my washer and dryer are large capacity make the job much easier now that i have to do it. in fact since monday i have done roughly 10 loads. i wonder why i'm worn out?
6. my sister in law- yeah, we might not agree on everything, but what an amazing woman and friend she has become. she calls regularly to check up on me and the wee ones, even though she has a house full of sick little ones.
7. moments of peace- with a 2 1/2 year old they don't come often, but i sure enjoy them when they do.
8. hot tea- really warms me up on days when the wind won't stop blowing.
9. the pick up- man will i be happy when it is running again.
10. laughter- sometimes it really is the best medicine.
what are you thankful for this week? is it the cold chill in the air, the first snow, a baby's smile, or the future and all of the possibilities that it holds? take time to tell those around you how you feel. call your mom tell her love her, she wants to hear it. hope you have a great weekend.
Monday, November 17, 2008
let it snow, let it snow let it snow
i found this site last year, and i absolutely loved it. it lets you make cut out snowflakes online. monkey had the best time doing them. i hope you guys enjoy.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
it's a love story baby just say yes
sorry, i know it has been forever, but things have been...crazy. the cramping has calmed down considerably. in fact it is only bad when i decide to be up and active for more than 20 minutes at a time. the hubby started his new job and was in dallas for 3 days. i attempted to cope, but didn't do so good. last week was really rough. a good friend, we'll call her supermom, was sent to the hospital for what they thought was her gallbladder. she has 3 little ones at home and she doesn't do sit and be still very well. amazon went to supermom's house to take care of her little ones while she was at the hospital, and i ran some things to her for her little one's. that same monday my best bud called and had some really crappy news, and i would share, but it isn't my place. let's just say that it is hard for me to see my friends in pain, physical or emotional. i am a wee bit over protective of the people i love. that's probably because there are so few of them. supermom is out of the hospital and feeling better. the doctors aren't really sure what the problem was, but they are pretty sure it was her gallbladder. the best bud's news is...still not so good, but i am praying that things get...better? the lady that used to work with my hubby that has the staph infection is out of the hospital and doing much better. she's still trying to build her strength up, but she says that she is feeling better. i felt the wee one move on wednesday. apparently it was happy to have daddy home too. monkey brought home all A's again this 6-weeks, and we are way proud of her. i also received my christmas apron and am just tickled pink. i hope to have pics up this week, but the hubby will be gone wed-thurs, so i don't make any promises. well, on to my thankfuls
1. prayer- thanks for all the well wishes and prayers they are much appreciated.
2. love- both that i am privileged to give and receive.
3. the girls- how wonderful it is to have a hug from someone so sweet.
4. the weather- i do love the cool weather, i love snow too, but we haven't gotten any of it yet.
5. V8- really have been craving it lately, so good thing we have plenty.
6. our preacher- what an amazing man he is. he is always willing to help no matter what time i ask.
7. God's grace- He always watches over me and keeps me safe. even when i don't realize it.
8. hot tea- what an amazing relief this has been.
9. schwann's fruit pops- not sure if it's the cold or the sweet or maybe both, but these cut the stomach ache almost instantly.
10. my mom- she came to stay with me on tuesday to help with the girls. she did this even though she had irritated her sciatic nerve.
11. family- both the ones we pick and the ones God picked for us.
12. texts- what a great way to communicate when you can't talk on the phone.
13. good night's sleep- i don't sleep well when the hubby is gone, so it was nice to get a full night's rest when he got home.
14. peace- the kind that only comes from God.
15. the holiday season- i love this time of year and all that it means.
16. the hubby's new job- he hasn't been this excited about work in all the time i've known him. it is good to see him this happy.
17. friends- even when times are tough it is good to know that they are there.
18. lotion- to keep me from drying completely up during the cold/dry weather.
19. the future- it is looking great and i am getting excited.
20. blogs- i love that i can take a peek into people's lives and feel like part of there world.
i'm sorry this has bee so late coming, but i've been a wee bit crazy. i hope that the coming week finds you well and happy. i hope that the coming season finds you loved. what are you thankful for? thanks again for reading.
1. prayer- thanks for all the well wishes and prayers they are much appreciated.
2. love- both that i am privileged to give and receive.
3. the girls- how wonderful it is to have a hug from someone so sweet.
4. the weather- i do love the cool weather, i love snow too, but we haven't gotten any of it yet.
5. V8- really have been craving it lately, so good thing we have plenty.
6. our preacher- what an amazing man he is. he is always willing to help no matter what time i ask.
7. God's grace- He always watches over me and keeps me safe. even when i don't realize it.
8. hot tea- what an amazing relief this has been.
9. schwann's fruit pops- not sure if it's the cold or the sweet or maybe both, but these cut the stomach ache almost instantly.
10. my mom- she came to stay with me on tuesday to help with the girls. she did this even though she had irritated her sciatic nerve.
11. family- both the ones we pick and the ones God picked for us.
12. texts- what a great way to communicate when you can't talk on the phone.
13. good night's sleep- i don't sleep well when the hubby is gone, so it was nice to get a full night's rest when he got home.
14. peace- the kind that only comes from God.
15. the holiday season- i love this time of year and all that it means.
16. the hubby's new job- he hasn't been this excited about work in all the time i've known him. it is good to see him this happy.
17. friends- even when times are tough it is good to know that they are there.
18. lotion- to keep me from drying completely up during the cold/dry weather.
19. the future- it is looking great and i am getting excited.
20. blogs- i love that i can take a peek into people's lives and feel like part of there world.
i'm sorry this has bee so late coming, but i've been a wee bit crazy. i hope that the coming week finds you well and happy. i hope that the coming season finds you loved. what are you thankful for? thanks again for reading.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
make it hurt so good
well, it doesn't hurt good it just hurts. this will be short because i am in some decent pain. i have had some cramping this week, nothing serious, just uncomfortable. i am spending the majority of my time stationary on the couch. hope to be able to post tomorrow for thankful thursdays.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
i'll always hold a place for you in my heart
what a day it has been. i got a call from school that monkey was running a fever and needed to be picked up. i went and picked her up, and promptly called amazon to let her know that i would be taking the girls with me today. i can not in good conscience let someone with small children watch my children if i know one is ill. she says she feels fine, but as long as she has a fever she isn't allowed at school. in fact she isn't allowed back at school until her fever has been gone for 24 hours. that means no school tomorrow. which means no trick or treating tomorrow night. we are very strict about "if you are too sick for school-you are too sick for fun after school". the hubby told his helper that he had an appointment to go to today and that he would be leaving for the day at 2. the entire family of finch sat in the drs. office and listened to the most beautiful "thud-thud" of a wee finch. what an amazing sound it is! God is so good. thank you for all of your prayers, and now i have some more requests. one of the ladies that has worked with the hubby for the last 6 years is very ill. she had back surgery several weeks back and was recovering very well. last weekend her back was hurting so she went to the hospital. while there they discovered that she has a staph infection in her back that has moved into her blood. she is currently in a medically induced coma fighting to get better. she has a little boy who is monkey's age and a wonderful husband. please keep her and her family in your prayers.
1. prayers- the power they hold is amazing. i have seen this power so many times, yet every time a prayer is answered it still dumbfounds me that someone so powerful will listen to a little me.
2. friends- your comments, prayers and well wishes have been so wonderful and comforting. THANK YOU
3. my daughters- sometimes i just can't believe that someone so amazing is the product of someone so messed up. i am so thankful that they will never know what my life was like as a child, and that they know how wonderful they are and how much they are loved.
4. the dishwasher- so glad the hubby just loads the thing, turns the dial, and the dishes are done.
5. hubby's new job- we are both so excited about the possibilities that this brings with it. if nothing else we will have health insurance for the first time in 7 years.
6. contentment- when asked what i wanted for my birthday i didn't know because i honestly want for nothing. there isn't anything tangible that i can't live with out. what an amazing feeling that is.
7. pattylicious- i called her in tears yesterday because i needed to hear that everything was going to be ok, and she reassured me that it would be. she listened to me sob and pour out my fears. she is an amazing friend, and i'm not sure what i would do with out her. thanx man u rock
8. hot tea- it seems to be one of the most soothing and relaxing things ever.
9. old pictures- that remind me of how far i've come and how blessed i truly am.
10. hugs- i'm not a big fan of human touch, long story from childhood, but i have been so grateful for the hugs that i have received the past week. they have been so much more comforting than just a simple word.
what are you guys thankful for a few inches of snow, indian summer, a much needed vacation, or the warm words from friends? take the time to find something to be grateful for, no matter how insignificant you think it is. there are days that i am simply grateful for clean undies. have a happy halloween and a blessed weekend. HEY, YOU GUYS ROCK, THANKS.
1. prayers- the power they hold is amazing. i have seen this power so many times, yet every time a prayer is answered it still dumbfounds me that someone so powerful will listen to a little me.
2. friends- your comments, prayers and well wishes have been so wonderful and comforting. THANK YOU
3. my daughters- sometimes i just can't believe that someone so amazing is the product of someone so messed up. i am so thankful that they will never know what my life was like as a child, and that they know how wonderful they are and how much they are loved.
4. the dishwasher- so glad the hubby just loads the thing, turns the dial, and the dishes are done.
5. hubby's new job- we are both so excited about the possibilities that this brings with it. if nothing else we will have health insurance for the first time in 7 years.
6. contentment- when asked what i wanted for my birthday i didn't know because i honestly want for nothing. there isn't anything tangible that i can't live with out. what an amazing feeling that is.
7. pattylicious- i called her in tears yesterday because i needed to hear that everything was going to be ok, and she reassured me that it would be. she listened to me sob and pour out my fears. she is an amazing friend, and i'm not sure what i would do with out her. thanx man u rock
8. hot tea- it seems to be one of the most soothing and relaxing things ever.
9. old pictures- that remind me of how far i've come and how blessed i truly am.
10. hugs- i'm not a big fan of human touch, long story from childhood, but i have been so grateful for the hugs that i have received the past week. they have been so much more comforting than just a simple word.
what are you guys thankful for a few inches of snow, indian summer, a much needed vacation, or the warm words from friends? take the time to find something to be grateful for, no matter how insignificant you think it is. there are days that i am simply grateful for clean undies. have a happy halloween and a blessed weekend. HEY, YOU GUYS ROCK, THANKS.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
i'm not crazy, i'm just a little impaired
ok, so i feel i need to share. tomorrow afternoon is my first drs. appointment, and i am really nervous. crazy huh. i mean i've had two babies, this isn't anything new, but i still find myself with butterflies in my stomach and it isn't the summer sausage and cheese i had for lunch. i'm currently about 11 weeks or so. that means we should be able to hear a heartbeat tomorrow. the problem is my miscarriage happened at 11 weeks and i find myself dreading the absence of the tiny thud-thud. i just don't know if i could do that again, and the hubby won't be able to attend the appointment because of work related issues. so if there isn't a thud-thud i will be the only one to know. i know this is irrational, but still i dread it. my wonderful friend amazon is keeping the girls for me, so i can go to the appointment. she watched the girls yesterday so i could get my blood panel done. anywho, this has been eating at me for the past few days and i needed to get it off my chest. on a happy note i am almost finished with my apron for the hot mamas swap. i'm also knitting a baby blanket for a friend's baby shower in 2 weeks. my mom's coming up for the weekend and has agreed to watch the girls, so the hubby and i can have a wee date. she's going on the church trick or treating hayride with us on friday evening, and we're excited to have her. well, i will have news good or not so good on my thankful thursday tomorrow. take care and have a wonderful wednesday.
Monday, October 27, 2008
could you ever love a man like me
saw this at sweetflutterby's blog and thought i would join in. if you want to do it feel free to copy and paste. let me know so i can read your answers. oh the big event was a job interview, and the hubby got the job. he will get the official offer today. this job has the potential to have us out of debt much sooner, and it will provide insurance for the fam. thanks for the prayers.
5 Things Found In My pocketbook
driver's license
debit card
5 Things I would do today if I could
see pattylicious
cuddle by a fire
sew up a Halloween costume
finish swaps
not have tummy issues
5 Things I love about my life
my God
my family
my freedoms
my friends
my health
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do
own a coffee shop/bakery
act professionally
backpack through Europe
learn how to quilt
learn to draw
5 Things I enjoy the most
cool weather
5 Things Found In My pocketbook
driver's license
debit card
5 Things I would do today if I could
see pattylicious
cuddle by a fire
sew up a Halloween costume
finish swaps
not have tummy issues
5 Things I love about my life
my God
my family
my freedoms
my friends
my health
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do
own a coffee shop/bakery
act professionally
backpack through Europe
learn how to quilt
learn to draw
5 Things I enjoy the most
cool weather
Thursday, October 23, 2008
she had fire in her soul
the big event has been moved again, but we are told that is a REALLY good thing. the hubby and i got the chance to enjoy a fire by ourselves last night, and we started talking about how much had changed in the last 10 years. not only the way we look, but the way we look at things. it times like that when i realize how truly blessed i am. monkey brought home the GT application from school yesterday, and the hubby and i discussed whether or not we should nominate her. don't all parents think their child is gifted and talented? i wasn't allowed in the GT program as a child, apparently the teachers/administrators giving the test don't like it when you correct them. that and i wasn't among the chosen children in the school, i lived in a children's home. when i moved to a new school i hoped to be included in the GT program, but instead i was put in remedial classes until our taks tests came back and i had scored the only perfect in math in the history of the school. anyway, i think that she is incredibly gifted, but am i just being a mom? i think i will fill it out and send it with her tomorrow and if she isn't accepted i can rest in the knowledge that neither was i. without further ado, my thankful list:
1. differing opinions- i'm glad that i live in a country where i am allowed to disagree with whomever i choose. God bless America.
2. time with my husband- it doesn't happen often that we get just couple time, but when it does i enjoy being "my love" instead of "momma" for a bit.
3. being momma- i never wanted kids. i didn't babysit in high school, and i was never around children. being a mom is one of the most amazing things i have ever done, and i am eternally grateful for the opportunity that i have had to be one.
4. maternity clothes- i just can't pull myself to buy bigger clothes to help cover my bump. i know hard to believe i'm showing already.
5. hot drinks- i have been enjoying hot tea the past few days. i love coffee, but it has quite a bit more caffeine than tea, especially green tea. then there is hot cocoa. mmmm love this time of year.
6. pizza night- the kids run off to play together and the adults get to be adults for a little while anyway. you don't realize how important adult conversation is until you don't have it.
7. getting out of debt- we're not talking years anymore. next june at the latest. i am way more than stoked.
8. prayer- how amazing and powerful it is. thank you for yours.
9. baby blankets- i am currently knitting one for my friend krista. she is due in january and is having a little girl. i hope to get a hat knitted up as well.
10. hallmark magazine- i found it by accident a year ago, and fell in love with it. i now have a subscription to it, and am thinking of giving a subscription to a friend for a "you're a great friend" gift.
11. your thankful lists- i wait anxiously to see what you are thankful for, so thanks.
i hope you are having as wonderful of a week as i am. i had a teacher in high school that said "remember when you fall on your face, you are still moving forward." i will have my swap packages, 3 of them, ready to send out on monday. i hoped to have them finished earlier, but the money wasn't budgeted until today to go shopping, so what are you going to do? what are you grateful for this week? a home to keep the cold out, a hot drink to chase the chill in the air, or not being on the receiving end of abuse? i am thankful every day to not be in an abusive relationship anymore. take care and God bless.
1. differing opinions- i'm glad that i live in a country where i am allowed to disagree with whomever i choose. God bless America.
2. time with my husband- it doesn't happen often that we get just couple time, but when it does i enjoy being "my love" instead of "momma" for a bit.
3. being momma- i never wanted kids. i didn't babysit in high school, and i was never around children. being a mom is one of the most amazing things i have ever done, and i am eternally grateful for the opportunity that i have had to be one.
4. maternity clothes- i just can't pull myself to buy bigger clothes to help cover my bump. i know hard to believe i'm showing already.
5. hot drinks- i have been enjoying hot tea the past few days. i love coffee, but it has quite a bit more caffeine than tea, especially green tea. then there is hot cocoa. mmmm love this time of year.
6. pizza night- the kids run off to play together and the adults get to be adults for a little while anyway. you don't realize how important adult conversation is until you don't have it.
7. getting out of debt- we're not talking years anymore. next june at the latest. i am way more than stoked.
8. prayer- how amazing and powerful it is. thank you for yours.
9. baby blankets- i am currently knitting one for my friend krista. she is due in january and is having a little girl. i hope to get a hat knitted up as well.
10. hallmark magazine- i found it by accident a year ago, and fell in love with it. i now have a subscription to it, and am thinking of giving a subscription to a friend for a "you're a great friend" gift.
11. your thankful lists- i wait anxiously to see what you are thankful for, so thanks.
i hope you are having as wonderful of a week as i am. i had a teacher in high school that said "remember when you fall on your face, you are still moving forward." i will have my swap packages, 3 of them, ready to send out on monday. i hoped to have them finished earlier, but the money wasn't budgeted until today to go shopping, so what are you going to do? what are you grateful for this week? a home to keep the cold out, a hot drink to chase the chill in the air, or not being on the receiving end of abuse? i am thankful every day to not be in an abusive relationship anymore. take care and God bless.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
these are a few of my favorite things
what a great week this has been so far. the big event got moved until tomorrow, so we are anxiously awaiting. i received 4 swap packages, technically there were only 3 swaps but one swap came in two packages. i also got a few surprise gifties from my best bud pattylicious, have i told you guys how awesome she is? well i wanted to share some of the wonderful things i have received. below is the teapot my mom gave me for my birthday, isn't is amazing. i love it.
with my birthday money i bought some movies, the girls bought me sleeping beauty and the hubby got me bones.
her heiness claimed this pair of socks from the sock swap over at shellybabes as her own.

these are the wonderful goodies mzzterry sent me for the swap. there was a pair of black socks with little monkeys sticking their tongues out on them in the package as well, but they are in the wash.

below is the wonderful package i received for my september craft swap. this came all the way from england. i'm excited/scared to try the sock pattern, i've never used double pointed needles before.
this package is the one i received for my october craft swap. the little pumpkin cups were for the girls. they were way excited.
these are some little things that the pattylicious got for me because she loves me and thinks i'm cool. well, not sure why she got them for me, but i really dig them. the bat socks light up and blink when you walk, how cool is that. i really dig the spider argyle socks. i love argyle.
i made this fire all by myself. i am SO PROUD of me. usually my fires really inhale profusely.

the weather today is being described as "blustery" by the local weather people. it is about 42 outside with 40 mph winds out of the north. it currently feels about 25 outside. that is the reason for the toasty fire. i hope the week finds you in good spirits.
these are the wonderful goodies mzzterry sent me for the swap. there was a pair of black socks with little monkeys sticking their tongues out on them in the package as well, but they are in the wash.
below is the wonderful package i received for my september craft swap. this came all the way from england. i'm excited/scared to try the sock pattern, i've never used double pointed needles before.
the weather today is being described as "blustery" by the local weather people. it is about 42 outside with 40 mph winds out of the north. it currently feels about 25 outside. that is the reason for the toasty fire. i hope the week finds you in good spirits.
Friday, October 17, 2008
you don't look a day over fast cars and freedom
at least that is what the hubby says. i had a wonderful birthday yesterday. it was a nice quiet family filled event. finch took a half day at work and treated me to sushi for lunch. not sure why i crave sushi when pregnant. no fear i didn't get any that had raw fish so stop typing comments about how sushi isn't safe. this isn't my first rodeo girls. when we got home the hubby cleaned the kitchen and made me a tres leches cake, so tasty. then he got the fire started in the grill, so he could grill the steaks. they were awesome tasty. we opened my bottle of irish steak sauce and enjoyed the birthday steaks with it. then the whole crew cuddled up by the fire talking and listening to music. ten years ago i would have never imagined that was how i would spend my 30th birthday, and that i would enjoy it. i didn't get near my computer yesterday, so my thankful thursday is a day late.
1. family- how amazing and wonderful they are. i'm not sure what i would do without mine.
2. aging- every year i live i find more reasons it is awesome to get older. i don't fear the coming years. in fact i look forward to all of the memories i will make in the interim.
3. fire- it has been chilly here this past week, 3 days it didn't get above 45. i refuse to pay atmos before november, so we have been utilizing the fireplace.
4. tuesday- i have discussed this with several of you and i am somewhat anxious to see what changes it will bring.
5. swaps- they ROCK. i love the different little gifties that i find in my mail, and sending the little gifties to others.
6. prayer- i have been in serious prayer for most of this week. several of my friends were in need of some deep prayer as was my wee little family. thank you to those of you who are praying for what will come on tuesday.
7. lotion- i love lotion. the girls got my dry skin, and as the weather cools our skin begins to get very dry.
8. our budget- if things go the way we have planned them to we should be completely out of debt, other than the house, by summer.
9. fuzzy slippers- we have wood floors on a pier and beam house, so the floors get chilly when it is cold outside.
10. hot drinks- i love them all. in fact it is almost cool enough for my famous hot chocolate if anyone is interested let me know and i'll get the goods.
thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes, and all the awesome comments. you guys really make my day. i hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. we are having pizza night at amazon's new house. her friend we're renaming him iceman will also be there. we hope the pattylicious clan can make it, but we're not sure yet. saturday the grandmas are coming for birthday lunch and a visit. what are you thankful for this week? your bloggy buddies that always have a kind word when your down? maybe, the cool nights and a warm blanket? thanks for reading.
1. family- how amazing and wonderful they are. i'm not sure what i would do without mine.
2. aging- every year i live i find more reasons it is awesome to get older. i don't fear the coming years. in fact i look forward to all of the memories i will make in the interim.
3. fire- it has been chilly here this past week, 3 days it didn't get above 45. i refuse to pay atmos before november, so we have been utilizing the fireplace.
4. tuesday- i have discussed this with several of you and i am somewhat anxious to see what changes it will bring.
5. swaps- they ROCK. i love the different little gifties that i find in my mail, and sending the little gifties to others.
6. prayer- i have been in serious prayer for most of this week. several of my friends were in need of some deep prayer as was my wee little family. thank you to those of you who are praying for what will come on tuesday.
7. lotion- i love lotion. the girls got my dry skin, and as the weather cools our skin begins to get very dry.
8. our budget- if things go the way we have planned them to we should be completely out of debt, other than the house, by summer.
9. fuzzy slippers- we have wood floors on a pier and beam house, so the floors get chilly when it is cold outside.
10. hot drinks- i love them all. in fact it is almost cool enough for my famous hot chocolate if anyone is interested let me know and i'll get the goods.
thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes, and all the awesome comments. you guys really make my day. i hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. we are having pizza night at amazon's new house. her friend we're renaming him iceman will also be there. we hope the pattylicious clan can make it, but we're not sure yet. saturday the grandmas are coming for birthday lunch and a visit. what are you thankful for this week? your bloggy buddies that always have a kind word when your down? maybe, the cool nights and a warm blanket? thanks for reading.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
say a little prayer for me
actually for a few of my friends who are having a rough beginning to the month of october. things here have been pretty good. the nausea isn't too bad. school is going well for the hubby. monkey brought home her first report card of 3rd grade, and that's right straight A's. her lowest grade was a 95. oh yeah i am one proud mommy. well, i have one week left in my twenties. strangely the only thing that makes me feel old is looking at the girls and realizing how big they are getting. is that strange? here is my list for this week:
1. friends-i know i list this almost weekly, but they are an awesome group.
2. pizza night- we have acquired a few new people to the night. i'll call her amazon, she is tall, beautiful, and a fierce defender of things she loves. her two beautiful children also join her, and her friend flyboy who has joined us for 2 pizza nights.
3. decaf coffee- i know i need to watch how much caffeine i consume during pregnancy, so decaf coffee is helping.
4. the budget- we have stuck dutifully to it thus far, and it hasn't been painful at all
5. autumn- i adore this time of year. the cool evenings are wonderful.
6. blogger friends- some of you i know outside of the internet. the ones that i just know through the blogosphere it is good to have you along.
7. comments- i love hearing what you are thankful for. it is good to read about the big and little things that bring joy to people's lives.
8. our military- with out them i wouldn't be free to do as i choose, and for that i am eternally grateful to the soldiers and their families.
9. trying new things- i received a book that has tons of paper crafts in it. i have never done paper crafts, unless you count homemade valentines. i am excited to try my hand at them.
10. thankful thursdays- i have learned that if i require myself to write down what i am thankful for i spend the majority of the week looking for things that i am grateful for.
what are you grateful for this week? your husband that let you sleep in for an extra hour, or not having the dead beat husband take up valuable oxygen anymore? thanks for stopping by to read my wee blog. if you ever find yourself in the land that time forgot, give a call we can get together for a yummy dinner. have a great weekend
1. friends-i know i list this almost weekly, but they are an awesome group.
2. pizza night- we have acquired a few new people to the night. i'll call her amazon, she is tall, beautiful, and a fierce defender of things she loves. her two beautiful children also join her, and her friend flyboy who has joined us for 2 pizza nights.
3. decaf coffee- i know i need to watch how much caffeine i consume during pregnancy, so decaf coffee is helping.
4. the budget- we have stuck dutifully to it thus far, and it hasn't been painful at all
5. autumn- i adore this time of year. the cool evenings are wonderful.
6. blogger friends- some of you i know outside of the internet. the ones that i just know through the blogosphere it is good to have you along.
7. comments- i love hearing what you are thankful for. it is good to read about the big and little things that bring joy to people's lives.
8. our military- with out them i wouldn't be free to do as i choose, and for that i am eternally grateful to the soldiers and their families.
9. trying new things- i received a book that has tons of paper crafts in it. i have never done paper crafts, unless you count homemade valentines. i am excited to try my hand at them.
10. thankful thursdays- i have learned that if i require myself to write down what i am thankful for i spend the majority of the week looking for things that i am grateful for.
what are you grateful for this week? your husband that let you sleep in for an extra hour, or not having the dead beat husband take up valuable oxygen anymore? thanks for stopping by to read my wee blog. if you ever find yourself in the land that time forgot, give a call we can get together for a yummy dinner. have a great weekend
Friday, October 3, 2008
we do the walk, we do the walk of life
last saturday the family of finch loaded up and headed to the big town of amarillo. i was so excited to get to participate in the race for the cure. my grandmother and aunt both lost their battle with breast cancer. my friend from high school is in remission. i would tell you how it went, but it was not the best time for the family of finch. the head of the household decided that he was shrek and would behave as though he was an ogre. the day was pretty much shot after that.
i am participating in an ongoing book swap and today in the mail this is what was waiting for me. the book is "great parties". she also sent crochet patterns, some R sticky notes, and some mary englebreit cards. woo hoo, i was way excited. i hope she likes the package that i sent her.

when i got home wednesday night there was a box sitting on my doorstep. i began to wonder what it was because i didn't remember ordering anything. when i opened the package this is what i saw.
the requirements were 1 recipe from the dream vacation destination, she sent a day's worth of recipes. everything from scones to irish coffee. so excited. she sent me a box of irish tea. mmmm i fell in love with tea when i went to england. she also sent a bottle of irish steak sauce which i am dying to try. there were 4 beautiful magnets as well, they are high on the fridge to keep little hands from grabbing them.
her heiness squealed with delight and begged to try on the princess, so here she is wearing my irish apron.
when i got home wednesday night there was a box sitting on my doorstep. i began to wonder what it was because i didn't remember ordering anything. when i opened the package this is what i saw.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
i just want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
well, it isn't the best day, but it hasn't been too bad. this week has been busy and the "morning sickness" has kicked in. i hope to blog tomorrow about some of the awesome things we've been up to. here is my thankful list.
1. morning sickness- i know that it means that all the hormones necessary for a healthy baby are present.
2. orange juice- it seems to really help with the tummy issues.
3. friends-i'm not sure what i would do if i didn't have the awesome supportive group that i have currently.
4. pizza night- it looks like we will have a semi full house again tomorrow night for pizza night. the tall beautiful tara and her children will be here with guest. my mom's coming in for the weekend, the girls are way excited. unfortunately the cowden clan might not be joining us this week.
5. firewood- we have a ton of it. we are hoping to keep the thermostat low and congregate near the fire.
6. chocolate- it also seems to calm the tummy, i don't get this at all. i was a total chocoholic before my first daughter, but when i was pregnant with her i couldn't even stand the smell of it. it was the same with my second.
7. karen- she has started helping out on wednesday nights and i don't know what i would do with out her. she shows up with brownies made saying "i thought you might need dessert made" with out being asked. then she sends me home after church, so she can clean because she doesn't have little ones at home anymore. this woman ROCKS.
8. the girls- they are so sweet and so cute. her heiness has taken to patting the baby to sleep. monkey won a giant king size hershey with almonds bar at school and brought half of it home to me because she knows how much i like them.
9. the hubby- what a man my man is. the quote from my last blog was something he told me when we were dating, and it still holds so true.
10. my pattylicious- she trusts me completely, this is no light matter mind you, and that always makes me feel so honored. remember you are wonderful no matter what anyone else tells you. they are just too immature and self centered to see what an amazing human you really are.
what are you thankful for? i really enjoy reading the thankful lists that you guys write. i hope you take some time no matter how rough your week is. somehow i find taking the time to be grateful makes things seem better.
1. morning sickness- i know that it means that all the hormones necessary for a healthy baby are present.
2. orange juice- it seems to really help with the tummy issues.
3. friends-i'm not sure what i would do if i didn't have the awesome supportive group that i have currently.
4. pizza night- it looks like we will have a semi full house again tomorrow night for pizza night. the tall beautiful tara and her children will be here with guest. my mom's coming in for the weekend, the girls are way excited. unfortunately the cowden clan might not be joining us this week.
5. firewood- we have a ton of it. we are hoping to keep the thermostat low and congregate near the fire.
6. chocolate- it also seems to calm the tummy, i don't get this at all. i was a total chocoholic before my first daughter, but when i was pregnant with her i couldn't even stand the smell of it. it was the same with my second.
7. karen- she has started helping out on wednesday nights and i don't know what i would do with out her. she shows up with brownies made saying "i thought you might need dessert made" with out being asked. then she sends me home after church, so she can clean because she doesn't have little ones at home anymore. this woman ROCKS.
8. the girls- they are so sweet and so cute. her heiness has taken to patting the baby to sleep. monkey won a giant king size hershey with almonds bar at school and brought half of it home to me because she knows how much i like them.
9. the hubby- what a man my man is. the quote from my last blog was something he told me when we were dating, and it still holds so true.
10. my pattylicious- she trusts me completely, this is no light matter mind you, and that always makes me feel so honored. remember you are wonderful no matter what anyone else tells you. they are just too immature and self centered to see what an amazing human you really are.
what are you thankful for? i really enjoy reading the thankful lists that you guys write. i hope you take some time no matter how rough your week is. somehow i find taking the time to be grateful makes things seem better.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Lord have mercy on my next 30 years
WORD OF THE DAY-IRREGFRAGABLE: impossible to refute.
i just wanted to start the month of october with some bits of wisdom that i have gained in my first 30 years. enjoy
30 things i have learned in my 3 decades on this earth-
1. almost everyone deserves a second chance.
2. very few deserve a third. (i've never met one anyway)
3. forgiveness is for the forgiver not the forgiven.
4. bitterness is not attractive on any woman. (my great grandmother said this)
5. God is GOOD.
6. age has little to do with maturity.
7. age has little to do with wisdom.
8. your past should not determine your future.
9. just because the world says you should, doesn't mean you have to.
10. nobody has the right to make you feel inferior.
11. just because someone says they have your best interest in mind, doesn't mean they do.
12. don't judge a book by the cover. (people are so much more than what you see on the outside.)
13. babies are God's love made visible.
14. if you wouldn't say it to my face, don't say it behind my back. (i will give you the same decency)
15. you can call a frosted dog turd a wedding cake, but it's still just a frosted dog turd. (i read this in a king book once)
16. make God your pilot, not your co-pilot. (things go better this way)
17. don't dwell on how "bad" your childhood, marriage, life was/is. trust me someone somewhere had/has it worse.
18. just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean God doesn't have a reason for it.
19. all we need is love. (well not literally, but when you're loved all the rest is manageable.)
20. honesty really is the best policy, but speak it with love.
21. if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
22. God gave us an instruction manual for life. it's called the bible.
23. my mom was right i should eat my fruits and veggies.
24. life is meant to be enjoyed.
25. worry does not rob tomorrow of it's troubles. it only robs today of it's joys.
26. anyone put on a pedestal is doomed to fall from it.
27. as eddie vedder once said "some words when spoken, can't be taken back." be careful what you say in anger because sorry won't always wash it away.
28. all relationships take work. decide which are worth it and never give up.
29. friendship is not a one way street.
30. tomorrow is another day to try to get it right.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT- IN THE WORDS OF FINCH DUNKIN "The heart is the most beautiful part of you. Only give what you are willing to lose."
i just wanted to start the month of october with some bits of wisdom that i have gained in my first 30 years. enjoy
30 things i have learned in my 3 decades on this earth-
1. almost everyone deserves a second chance.
2. very few deserve a third. (i've never met one anyway)
3. forgiveness is for the forgiver not the forgiven.
4. bitterness is not attractive on any woman. (my great grandmother said this)
5. God is GOOD.
6. age has little to do with maturity.
7. age has little to do with wisdom.
8. your past should not determine your future.
9. just because the world says you should, doesn't mean you have to.
10. nobody has the right to make you feel inferior.
11. just because someone says they have your best interest in mind, doesn't mean they do.
12. don't judge a book by the cover. (people are so much more than what you see on the outside.)
13. babies are God's love made visible.
14. if you wouldn't say it to my face, don't say it behind my back. (i will give you the same decency)
15. you can call a frosted dog turd a wedding cake, but it's still just a frosted dog turd. (i read this in a king book once)
16. make God your pilot, not your co-pilot. (things go better this way)
17. don't dwell on how "bad" your childhood, marriage, life was/is. trust me someone somewhere had/has it worse.
18. just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean God doesn't have a reason for it.
19. all we need is love. (well not literally, but when you're loved all the rest is manageable.)
20. honesty really is the best policy, but speak it with love.
21. if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
22. God gave us an instruction manual for life. it's called the bible.
23. my mom was right i should eat my fruits and veggies.
24. life is meant to be enjoyed.
25. worry does not rob tomorrow of it's troubles. it only robs today of it's joys.
26. anyone put on a pedestal is doomed to fall from it.
27. as eddie vedder once said "some words when spoken, can't be taken back." be careful what you say in anger because sorry won't always wash it away.
28. all relationships take work. decide which are worth it and never give up.
29. friendship is not a one way street.
30. tomorrow is another day to try to get it right.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT- IN THE WORDS OF FINCH DUNKIN "The heart is the most beautiful part of you. Only give what you are willing to lose."
Thursday, September 25, 2008
she gathers rain
one of my fellow bloggers was having a tough time, and is now adjusting to a new life. i have many memories of this song and how i think it describes different times in my life. now whenever i hear it i think of her. congrats on freedom and the wisdom to follow God. (you know who you are)
Today she dresses
For the change shes facing now
And the storm thats raging
A safe haven she has found
She doesn't care
What the prophets say anymore
For the love she had
She has no more
So she gathers rain
She gathers rain
To rinse away all her guilt and pain
She gathers rain
She gathers rain
To wash and cleanse and make her whole again
Her imagination
Has started stretching wide
And her new conviction
No longer will she hide
She's not branded
When prophets speak words of fire
The same love she gives
She requires
So she gathers rain
She gathers rain
To rinse away all her guilt and pain
She gathers rain
She gathers rain
To wash and cleanse and make her whole again
Today she dresses
For the change shes facing now
And the storm thats raging
A safe haven she has found
She doesn't care
What the prophets say anymore
For the love she had
She has no more
So she gathers rain
She gathers rain
To rinse away all her guilt and pain
She gathers rain
She gathers rain
To wash and cleanse and make her whole again
Her imagination
Has started stretching wide
And her new conviction
No longer will she hide
She's not branded
When prophets speak words of fire
The same love she gives
She requires
So she gathers rain
She gathers rain
To rinse away all her guilt and pain
She gathers rain
She gathers rain
To wash and cleanse and make her whole again
if you are what you say you are a superstar
well, the hubby and i sat down and did 3 months worth of budgets. not nearly as painful as it could have been. the monkey has over 400% of her AR goal for reading for the six weeks. oh yeah we're proud. the wee heiness calls, so here is my list.
1. thursdays- it is so nice to sit and reflect on all of the wonderful things that i am grateful for.
2. animal crackers- they seem to keep the nausea down to a minimum.
3. jello- i love all things jello, well almost. i love jello beans and jello molds, not the growing kind. mmm jello
4. giant crossword books- that i can toss on giant spiders to kill them dead.
5. my husband- who cleans up the remains of the spiders. he does so many other things as well. love that guy.
6. budgets- we now have a name for all of our money and what it should be spent on.
7. independence- watching my 2 1/2 year old try things by herself makes me realize what a wonderful person she is becoming. (this is how i have to look at it or else i want to throttle her willfulness)
8. sweet songs- she sings some of the sweetest songs ever heard. too sweet to hear " A B C D E F, kwinkle little star"
9. helpers- these past few wednesdays would not have been possible without these lovely ladies, so thank you karen and tara.
10. honey crisp apples- yes they are available again. they are well worth the price i have to pay for them. love these apples.
well, what are you thankful for a smile, a laugh, or a song sung sweetly? take time to think about it. i am also grateful for the autumn season. have a great weekend. i'll post pics from the komen race for the cure on monday.
1. thursdays- it is so nice to sit and reflect on all of the wonderful things that i am grateful for.
2. animal crackers- they seem to keep the nausea down to a minimum.
3. jello- i love all things jello, well almost. i love jello beans and jello molds, not the growing kind. mmm jello
4. giant crossword books- that i can toss on giant spiders to kill them dead.
5. my husband- who cleans up the remains of the spiders. he does so many other things as well. love that guy.
6. budgets- we now have a name for all of our money and what it should be spent on.
7. independence- watching my 2 1/2 year old try things by herself makes me realize what a wonderful person she is becoming. (this is how i have to look at it or else i want to throttle her willfulness)
8. sweet songs- she sings some of the sweetest songs ever heard. too sweet to hear " A B C D E F, kwinkle little star"
9. helpers- these past few wednesdays would not have been possible without these lovely ladies, so thank you karen and tara.
10. honey crisp apples- yes they are available again. they are well worth the price i have to pay for them. love these apples.
well, what are you thankful for a smile, a laugh, or a song sung sweetly? take time to think about it. i am also grateful for the autumn season. have a great weekend. i'll post pics from the komen race for the cure on monday.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
i'll be better when i'm older
this will be relatively short, as i am feeling exhausted and want to rest.
1. long walks- they always pep me up and put me in a better mood.
2. animal crackers- they really help when my tummy grumbles
3. good friends- both new and old. i am grateful for the friends that i have.
4. comments- i love both to give and receive. they really have a way of perking up the day.
5. good teachers- monkey's math teacher called today, and i began to panic. it usually isn't good news when a teacher calls and there was an "incident" that included monkey at school yesterday. instead the teacher called to tell me what a bright, wonderful, and intelligent girl she was. this teacher rocks.
6. dvr- so i can watch tv when the girls are sleeping.
7. pizza night-this tradition dates back about 9 years or so. every friday night we have pizza. it started as frozen and slowly we have progressed to homemade. we also get to enjoy this with our friends which makes it that much cooler.
8. my hubby- what an amazing man he really is.
9. my adorable daughters- her heiness asked where the baby was, and monkey told her in momma's belly. so now at completely random times she will lift the bottom of my shirt up to pet the baby.
10. dave ramsey's program- although it is mostly common sense, it is nice to have a definite plan in front of us. if things go the way we hope they will we should be debt free, other than the house, in the next 2 years or less. how much does that rock.
the incident at school went something like this. a little girl who has always had it in for monkey was picking on another little girl at recess. monkey told her to stop because that wasn't very nice. the little girl told her to "shut up ratface" and then punched her in the stomach. did i mention this whole thing was being watched by one of their teachers? when the teacher asked what was going on another girl responded with "demon child just punched monkey in the stomach for no reason."* what did the teacher do? she told the girls that they all needed to get along. monkey walked away looking dejected. i could have ripped that little girl's hair out from the inside i was so mad. now i get to decide what exactly to do about this situation. did i mention this isn't the first time this little girl has physically assaulted monkey? anyway, take some time to tell those that matter in your life how you feel about them. have a great weekend.
*NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT and that monster child whose mother is a gossip monger.
1. long walks- they always pep me up and put me in a better mood.
2. animal crackers- they really help when my tummy grumbles
3. good friends- both new and old. i am grateful for the friends that i have.
4. comments- i love both to give and receive. they really have a way of perking up the day.
5. good teachers- monkey's math teacher called today, and i began to panic. it usually isn't good news when a teacher calls and there was an "incident" that included monkey at school yesterday. instead the teacher called to tell me what a bright, wonderful, and intelligent girl she was. this teacher rocks.
6. dvr- so i can watch tv when the girls are sleeping.
7. pizza night-this tradition dates back about 9 years or so. every friday night we have pizza. it started as frozen and slowly we have progressed to homemade. we also get to enjoy this with our friends which makes it that much cooler.
8. my hubby- what an amazing man he really is.
9. my adorable daughters- her heiness asked where the baby was, and monkey told her in momma's belly. so now at completely random times she will lift the bottom of my shirt up to pet the baby.
10. dave ramsey's program- although it is mostly common sense, it is nice to have a definite plan in front of us. if things go the way we hope they will we should be debt free, other than the house, in the next 2 years or less. how much does that rock.
the incident at school went something like this. a little girl who has always had it in for monkey was picking on another little girl at recess. monkey told her to stop because that wasn't very nice. the little girl told her to "shut up ratface" and then punched her in the stomach. did i mention this whole thing was being watched by one of their teachers? when the teacher asked what was going on another girl responded with "demon child just punched monkey in the stomach for no reason."* what did the teacher do? she told the girls that they all needed to get along. monkey walked away looking dejected. i could have ripped that little girl's hair out from the inside i was so mad. now i get to decide what exactly to do about this situation. did i mention this isn't the first time this little girl has physically assaulted monkey? anyway, take some time to tell those that matter in your life how you feel about them. have a great weekend.
*NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT and that monster child whose mother is a gossip monger.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
you could be my princess
things are good in my part of the world. i've heard that all my friends and family that were in Ike's path are safe with no injuries. i've been trying to walk everyday, but missed yesterday. i've walked 3 miles a day for the last week and a half. woo hoo. thought i would keep everyone up to date on what is going on in the finch world. this weekend we have a birthday party for pattylicious' son, he's going to be 9. today our youth minister's youngest turns 1. next saturday team finch will be participating in the Komen race for the cure. we will be doing the fun walk (it's the one they allow strollers in). i hope that all are doing well. i've got several craft projects going that i hope to post soon.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
shower the people you love with love
thanks for all the sweet comments about the upcoming new addition. we are very excited about the prospects. on a different note, my friend shellybabes is trying to put together a swap, but she would like some input. if you guys would head over to her blog and give some ideas i'd appreciate it.
Monday, September 15, 2008
baby can i hold you tonight
just a quick note while we wait for the bus. some of you already know, but for the rest of the world... we will be welcoming wee finch #3 sometime in may. we are really excited. more to post later.
Friday, September 12, 2008
it's just a little crush
Ahh, crush, ahhh
I see ya blowin' me a kiss
It doesn't take a scientist
To understand what's going on baby
If you see something in my eye
Let's not over analyze
Don't go too deep with it baby
So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I'll do
I'll play loose
Run like we have a day with destiny
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la
It's raising my adrenaline
You're banging on a heart of tin
Please don't make too much of it baby
You say the word "forevermore"
That's not what I'm looking for
All I can commit to is "maybe"
So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I'll do
I'll pay loose
Run like we have a day with destiny
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la
Vanilla skies (vanilla skies)
White picket fences in your eyes
A vision of you and me
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do depends on you
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do
Depends on you
yes, that was mine and finch's theme song. i had been dating a fellow theater nerd for a year, and he decided i wasn't what he wanted anymore. i was worse than devastated, so i signed up for 21 semester hours that fall. i was also the box office manager for the blinn theater, and would be auditioning for both fall shows. needless to say i wasn't interested in dating. we had auditions and there was th ex with his new "thing". in the back row sat two military looking fellows, you know buff with burr cuts. i said out loud woo hoo fresh meat because most of the guys in the theater are less than macho men. turns out one of the guys, chris, was there to support his girlfriend, brittany, who was auditioning, and had talked his best friend, finch, into joining. well, cast lists were posted and brittany was my understudy. she immediately went into yenta mode. she was determined to set finch up, apparently she thought he was in need of a girlfriend. my friend shelley was all set up to attend a lovely dinner/double date. something came up last minute and she couldn't attend. brittany desperately needed someone to accompany her to lyons. it was dark and she didn't feel entirely comfortable driving the 30 minutes by herself, so i agreed to go if she would drop me off to see a few of my friends who lived near by. well, she decided to stay the night and i had no choice but to agree. she and her boyfriend crashed in finch's room. finch slept on the floor, so that i could have a bed to sleep in. the next morning i woke up to see finch vacating the bathroom wearing his scrub bottoms and no top. i said "what a cutey where do i get one?" that weekend we went to the kolache fest as our first date, and then dancing. 3 months after that we drove to vegas to get married. ten years later we are still married and happier than ever. most of my friends gave us 1 year max, glad to say we won.
I see ya blowin' me a kiss
It doesn't take a scientist
To understand what's going on baby
If you see something in my eye
Let's not over analyze
Don't go too deep with it baby
So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I'll do
I'll play loose
Run like we have a day with destiny
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la
It's raising my adrenaline
You're banging on a heart of tin
Please don't make too much of it baby
You say the word "forevermore"
That's not what I'm looking for
All I can commit to is "maybe"
So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I'll do
I'll pay loose
Run like we have a day with destiny
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la
Vanilla skies (vanilla skies)
White picket fences in your eyes
A vision of you and me
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do depends on you
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do
Depends on you
yes, that was mine and finch's theme song. i had been dating a fellow theater nerd for a year, and he decided i wasn't what he wanted anymore. i was worse than devastated, so i signed up for 21 semester hours that fall. i was also the box office manager for the blinn theater, and would be auditioning for both fall shows. needless to say i wasn't interested in dating. we had auditions and there was th ex with his new "thing". in the back row sat two military looking fellows, you know buff with burr cuts. i said out loud woo hoo fresh meat because most of the guys in the theater are less than macho men. turns out one of the guys, chris, was there to support his girlfriend, brittany, who was auditioning, and had talked his best friend, finch, into joining. well, cast lists were posted and brittany was my understudy. she immediately went into yenta mode. she was determined to set finch up, apparently she thought he was in need of a girlfriend. my friend shelley was all set up to attend a lovely dinner/double date. something came up last minute and she couldn't attend. brittany desperately needed someone to accompany her to lyons. it was dark and she didn't feel entirely comfortable driving the 30 minutes by herself, so i agreed to go if she would drop me off to see a few of my friends who lived near by. well, she decided to stay the night and i had no choice but to agree. she and her boyfriend crashed in finch's room. finch slept on the floor, so that i could have a bed to sleep in. the next morning i woke up to see finch vacating the bathroom wearing his scrub bottoms and no top. i said "what a cutey where do i get one?" that weekend we went to the kolache fest as our first date, and then dancing. 3 months after that we drove to vegas to get married. ten years later we are still married and happier than ever. most of my friends gave us 1 year max, glad to say we won.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
all i need is the air that i breathe and to love you
what a wonderful week it has been so far. i finished and mailed my flirty apron for the swap. then promptly lost the confirmation delivery number. i received my sassy apron, and i LOVE IT. sweet tara came and helped last night at church, and i sure am glad she did. i couldn't have done it without her. my wonderful nephew turned 3 this week, my sister will turn a little older than 3 tomorrow, my BIL will turn a little younger than my sister today, and tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of mine and finch's first date. monkey is kicking butt and taking names in school. she tested on the 4th harry potter book and got a 94. did i mention she's in 3rd grade? i am so proud of her. my mom came and hung out for the weekend and we had a wonderful time. here is what you have all been waiting for... my thankful list.
1. aprons- both those i make and those i receive.
this is the sassy fall apron i received. i am way more than stoked about it. i wore it last night to fix dinner at the church and got many compliments on it. thank you karen b.
my dear, wonderful, amazing friend pattylicious sent me two letters this week, thanks. i do love mail. so what are you thankful for this week? the wonderful feel of fall, the love of a child, a pet who is a constant companion. think about it. have a great day, tomorrow i will tell the tale of finch and reina.
1. aprons- both those i make and those i receive.
this is the other side. if you look closely you can see the frogs i put on it to give a more chinese feel to the apron. my partner said she loved the lotus flower.

this is the fall sassy apron
2. potholders- seriously i didn't know they could be so pretty and cool. i have a few homemade potholders that are knitted, but i had a blast making my potholders.
the other side. it matches my apron perfectly. so excited
3. my family- all of them. they remind me that it is good to be loved.
4. blogger friends- the comments are awesome. i also get to see things that i would never get to experience on my own. vacations in australia, life in swanland, and life in austria.
5. the ability to adjust- this comes in very handy when life turns upside down.
6. my sewing machine- without it i could not have made the three aprons that i made.
7. swaps- yes, my name is reina and i am a swapaholic.
8. getting out of debt- one step at a time, but it is happening. we are 1 major and 1 minor credit card away from being mostly debt free. i don't count the car and house payment because in my life those are necessary.
9. forgiveness- both that given and received. thanks
10. acceptance- not sure that's the right word, but i will explain. the realization that i am responsible for the choices i make both good and bad. yes, the situation could have been avoided with proper guidance, but at the end of the day I am responsible for my choices.
i have an extra thankful for today i am thankful for friends who are so amazingly talented. my friend tara drew these two pics for the girls. monkey is obsessed with the avatar, and her heiness adores cinderella.
4. blogger friends- the comments are awesome. i also get to see things that i would never get to experience on my own. vacations in australia, life in swanland, and life in austria.
5. the ability to adjust- this comes in very handy when life turns upside down.
6. my sewing machine- without it i could not have made the three aprons that i made.
7. swaps- yes, my name is reina and i am a swapaholic.
8. getting out of debt- one step at a time, but it is happening. we are 1 major and 1 minor credit card away from being mostly debt free. i don't count the car and house payment because in my life those are necessary.
9. forgiveness- both that given and received. thanks
10. acceptance- not sure that's the right word, but i will explain. the realization that i am responsible for the choices i make both good and bad. yes, the situation could have been avoided with proper guidance, but at the end of the day I am responsible for my choices.
i have an extra thankful for today i am thankful for friends who are so amazingly talented. my friend tara drew these two pics for the girls. monkey is obsessed with the avatar, and her heiness adores cinderella.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
a dream is a wish your heart makes
this is for the book and bookmark swap blog. i am totally stoked.
My favorite authors- i have read most of kootz's old stuff as well as stephen king's. i really enjoy the classics too.
My hobbies...sewing, knitting, crochet, tatting, cooking/baking, embroidery, cross stitch, gardening, books, stationary, beading, glasswork, and so much more
My favorite books..the gunslinger series by stephen king. the chronicles of narnia. gone with the wind. pillars of the earth, picking a favorite book is like picking a favorite child i just can't do it.
My books I want to read...the bones seriers by kathy reichs, james patterson, sue grafton, patricia cornwell, the "cat who" mystery series, the final 3 harry potter books. the odd thomas series by koontz.
My books I don't like.... bodice rippers. anything too depressing.
My favorite type [sci-,romance,ect....]i don't really have a favorite type. i enjoy a wide array of books. cookbooks, craft books, scary books, brain candy, thrillers, mystery, historical fiction.
My favorite colors...yellow, blue, purple, red, green, and most other colors.
My allergies...annoying people
My favorite pets...dogs and finches
My favorite scents...coffee, lavender, citrus, cinnamon, pine, jasmine, clean smells
My Amazon Wish List link.....i don't have one
Other stuff about me...i adore betty boop, mary engelbreit, mermaids, fairies, unicorns. i'm pretty easy going. i'll try just about anything once, and i've discovered the only way to find new things that you like is to try new things. i am self taught on most of my crafts, so a good craft book is always appreciated.
My favorite authors- i have read most of kootz's old stuff as well as stephen king's. i really enjoy the classics too.
My hobbies...sewing, knitting, crochet, tatting, cooking/baking, embroidery, cross stitch, gardening, books, stationary, beading, glasswork, and so much more
My favorite books..the gunslinger series by stephen king. the chronicles of narnia. gone with the wind. pillars of the earth, picking a favorite book is like picking a favorite child i just can't do it.
My books I want to read...the bones seriers by kathy reichs, james patterson, sue grafton, patricia cornwell, the "cat who" mystery series, the final 3 harry potter books. the odd thomas series by koontz.
My books I don't like.... bodice rippers. anything too depressing.
My favorite type [sci-,romance,ect....]i don't really have a favorite type. i enjoy a wide array of books. cookbooks, craft books, scary books, brain candy, thrillers, mystery, historical fiction.
My favorite colors...yellow, blue, purple, red, green, and most other colors.
My allergies...annoying people
My favorite pets...dogs and finches
My favorite scents...coffee, lavender, citrus, cinnamon, pine, jasmine, clean smells
My Amazon Wish List link.....i don't have one
Other stuff about me...i adore betty boop, mary engelbreit, mermaids, fairies, unicorns. i'm pretty easy going. i'll try just about anything once, and i've discovered the only way to find new things that you like is to try new things. i am self taught on most of my crafts, so a good craft book is always appreciated.
Monday, September 8, 2008
when you wish upon a star
i just joined a swapblog and this is the wish list for them.
Are you a knitter or crocheter?? both, not really great at either. crochet seems somewhat confusing, but i enjoy both.
I love to make..... baby stuff, holiday stuff, household stuff, just stuff in general
I really want to make...... socks, i need to practice more, purses, and those cute little japanese animals.
My favorite yarns are..... cotton, wool makes me itch. i really like vanna's new yarn
My wish pattern is...... for a beautiful baby afghan or easy sock pattern
My favorite hooks or needles are..... my grannies, i got them when she passed away. the real reason i am teaching my self to knit and crochet. the only ones i've used are the metal ones that she had.
I really wish I had.....more time to craft and someone to help me with some of my questions
My favorite colors are...yellow, purple, blue, green, red, garnet, i like almost anything.
My hobbies...cook/bake, read, sew, knit, crochet, embroider, cross stitch, garden and tatting
My kitchen theme and colors..currently sage green and country themed
My bathroom theme and colors...one is red, white and black with betty boop theme (or at least it will be), the other is blue and yellow sailboats/beach themed
My dislikes....humidity
My crafts..what I like....candles, beading, stickers, stationary, cool socks, pens, any thing mary engelbreit, soaps
My allergies...none that i know of
My favorite pets...dogs, we have a yellow lab, we also have 3 chickens. i adore finches
My favorite scents...lavender, clean smells, citrus, i don't care for most fake food smells, other than cinnamon. you know fake vanilla smell in candles, eww.
My favorite novels or magazines...i could no more pick a favorite book than a favorite child. i read anything other than romance novels. i love a good mystery or a good suspense. i just love to read. magazines that i adore: Tea Time by southern lady, Hallmark, Victoria, Taste of Home, all of the sewing, knitting, beading type mags that you can pick up.
Other stuff about me...i love coffee and tea. i love mythical/fantasy creatures, you know mermaids, unicorns, fairies, elves. i adore reindeer. i love to learn new things. i'm pretty easy going and i like most anything that isn't tacky.
Are you a knitter or crocheter?? both, not really great at either. crochet seems somewhat confusing, but i enjoy both.
I love to make..... baby stuff, holiday stuff, household stuff, just stuff in general
I really want to make...... socks, i need to practice more, purses, and those cute little japanese animals.
My favorite yarns are..... cotton, wool makes me itch. i really like vanna's new yarn
My wish pattern is...... for a beautiful baby afghan or easy sock pattern
My favorite hooks or needles are..... my grannies, i got them when she passed away. the real reason i am teaching my self to knit and crochet. the only ones i've used are the metal ones that she had.
I really wish I had.....more time to craft and someone to help me with some of my questions
My favorite colors are...yellow, purple, blue, green, red, garnet, i like almost anything.
My hobbies...cook/bake, read, sew, knit, crochet, embroider, cross stitch, garden and tatting
My kitchen theme and colors..currently sage green and country themed
My bathroom theme and colors...one is red, white and black with betty boop theme (or at least it will be), the other is blue and yellow sailboats/beach themed
My dislikes....humidity
My crafts..what I like....candles, beading, stickers, stationary, cool socks, pens, any thing mary engelbreit, soaps
My allergies...none that i know of
My favorite pets...dogs, we have a yellow lab, we also have 3 chickens. i adore finches
My favorite scents...lavender, clean smells, citrus, i don't care for most fake food smells, other than cinnamon. you know fake vanilla smell in candles, eww.
My favorite novels or magazines...i could no more pick a favorite book than a favorite child. i read anything other than romance novels. i love a good mystery or a good suspense. i just love to read. magazines that i adore: Tea Time by southern lady, Hallmark, Victoria, Taste of Home, all of the sewing, knitting, beading type mags that you can pick up.
Other stuff about me...i love coffee and tea. i love mythical/fantasy creatures, you know mermaids, unicorns, fairies, elves. i adore reindeer. i love to learn new things. i'm pretty easy going and i like most anything that isn't tacky.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door
well not really, but Rosemond showed up in Amarillo on Saturday and that is close enough. she and her family have been on vacation, and we got to see them for brunch in Amarillo. i haven't seen her in about 12 years or so. i also got to meet her lovely family. we spent the rest of Saturday cutting and splitting wood. Sunday we had church in the park. i made deviled eggs for the event. the cowden clan came down for church in the park, and joe made some really delicious banana pudding. Monday finch spent studying and i got my fall sassy apron swap stuff all finished and packaged up. i really hope she likes it. i will post pics later, maybe tomorrow. i finished getting everything for my flirty apron swap today. oh am i excited. i will send that package tomorrow. then post all of the pics. did i mention that my friend tara and her wee ones came over on Sunday? all the kiddos played together and had a good time. we adults all got to hang out and enjoy adult conversation. i have really learned to appreciate adult conversation. well it is that day again. time for thankful Thursdays.
1. text messages- we got the "everything package" on Friday, so now we have text abilities. this has been a lot of fun so far. my hubby got a new "even better than mine" phone. he spent all night texting everyone instead of talking to us.
2. world market- i went today so i could get the rest of my swap stuff, and i am SOOO glad that we have one in Amarillo now.
3. care packages- my friend got hers and really liked it. bringing happiness to others makes my day.
4. cool weather- it was 53 this morning when i climbed out of bed. i LOVE fall, winter and spring.
5. my hubby- he knows that i have been exhausted lately, so he let me sleep an extra hour today. he got monkey up and ready for school, so that i could get some extra sleep.
6. the girls- they are a never ending source of love and wonder for me.
7. fabric shopping- i am such an addict.
8. the two new aprons i will be getting in the near future.
9. riding lawn mowers- we live on about a city block, and i usually mow most of it with a push mower. the hubby go the rider going and mowed the back 40 for me on Tuesday.
10. sushi- had it for lunch at my favorite Thai/Chinese/Japanese place in canyon. when i was pregnant with her heiness i craved sushi. the guys that run the place would make an extra "for the baby". when she was born they gave us a huge box of diapers. do you think we eat there too often?
this has been a very busy and wonderful week. there are several things that i have been praying about that i can now see answers to. God is good. take some time to think about what you're grateful for.
1. text messages- we got the "everything package" on Friday, so now we have text abilities. this has been a lot of fun so far. my hubby got a new "even better than mine" phone. he spent all night texting everyone instead of talking to us.
2. world market- i went today so i could get the rest of my swap stuff, and i am SOOO glad that we have one in Amarillo now.
3. care packages- my friend got hers and really liked it. bringing happiness to others makes my day.
4. cool weather- it was 53 this morning when i climbed out of bed. i LOVE fall, winter and spring.
5. my hubby- he knows that i have been exhausted lately, so he let me sleep an extra hour today. he got monkey up and ready for school, so that i could get some extra sleep.
6. the girls- they are a never ending source of love and wonder for me.
7. fabric shopping- i am such an addict.
8. the two new aprons i will be getting in the near future.
9. riding lawn mowers- we live on about a city block, and i usually mow most of it with a push mower. the hubby go the rider going and mowed the back 40 for me on Tuesday.
10. sushi- had it for lunch at my favorite Thai/Chinese/Japanese place in canyon. when i was pregnant with her heiness i craved sushi. the guys that run the place would make an extra "for the baby". when she was born they gave us a huge box of diapers. do you think we eat there too often?
this has been a very busy and wonderful week. there are several things that i have been praying about that i can now see answers to. God is good. take some time to think about what you're grateful for.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
baby we were born to run
heard the boss on the way home from the store. i really enjoyed hearing the songs that make you guys grin. i actually had to look up "sharks" by morphine. it was a really cool song, so i put it on my playlist. it is rare that i haven't heard of a song. this week has been busy, but very good. yesterday was my first Wednesday night supper at church entirely by myself. it went very well. we had about 50 or so there, and i had the girls home and in bed by 8:45. finch said that class went well, and he is really excited about what the future may bring. monkey is REALLY enjoying school. in fact she hasn't gotten in trouble at all so far. this is impressive because she is quite the talker. i know it is hard to believe, but it is true. I've been trying to put together a care box for a blogger friend for quite some time, but i am the world's biggest procrastinator. i finally have every thing together for it, and will be sending it this afternoon. well, with out further ado, my thankful list.
1. mail- i love getting mail, i love sending mail. as much as i love to get little surprises in the mail, i also love to send them. my MIL is really good about sending gifties at random times. in fact i have been known to go overboard during swaps.
2. swaps- i love the idea of getting something from someone you have never met. my first swap was over at princess mindy's. she has great swaps, and i hope that our falling out won't exempt me from them. i fear the opposite however.
3. birthdays- i have a big one coming up, 3 decades. my hubby isn't big on birthdays, so usually i get a hug and kiss and a cake that he and the girls make for me.
4. my washer and dryer- really they are awesome. they make my normal housewife chores much easier.
5. books- you should see my den. it is lined with books. this doesn't even include the cookbooks that i have, or the craft books. they have separate areas.
6. fabric.com- it is a new find for me, and it is AWESOME. i purchased the fabric for my flirty apron swap there.
7. my mom- she called yesterday to see how i was doing because she hadn't heard from me in several days.
8. my hubby- he is logical beyond logical. in fact if it can't be explained logically he looks at you like you're nuts. in spite of this, he loves more than i ever knew someone could.
9. blogger friends- i haven't met most of them, but the comments they leave generally make my day.
10. family- we are in discussion about moving closer to our families. my mom and aunt are the only remnants of my family that still live in this area. my hubbies family all live down south as does my family. well, other than leah who could very easily move back too, take a hint. we'll see what the future brings.
what are you grateful for? take a minute to think about it. i am putting together extra aprons for giveaways during the month leading up to my birthday. i'll keep you guys updated. thanks for reading.
1. mail- i love getting mail, i love sending mail. as much as i love to get little surprises in the mail, i also love to send them. my MIL is really good about sending gifties at random times. in fact i have been known to go overboard during swaps.
2. swaps- i love the idea of getting something from someone you have never met. my first swap was over at princess mindy's. she has great swaps, and i hope that our falling out won't exempt me from them. i fear the opposite however.
3. birthdays- i have a big one coming up, 3 decades. my hubby isn't big on birthdays, so usually i get a hug and kiss and a cake that he and the girls make for me.
4. my washer and dryer- really they are awesome. they make my normal housewife chores much easier.
5. books- you should see my den. it is lined with books. this doesn't even include the cookbooks that i have, or the craft books. they have separate areas.
6. fabric.com- it is a new find for me, and it is AWESOME. i purchased the fabric for my flirty apron swap there.
7. my mom- she called yesterday to see how i was doing because she hadn't heard from me in several days.
8. my hubby- he is logical beyond logical. in fact if it can't be explained logically he looks at you like you're nuts. in spite of this, he loves more than i ever knew someone could.
9. blogger friends- i haven't met most of them, but the comments they leave generally make my day.
10. family- we are in discussion about moving closer to our families. my mom and aunt are the only remnants of my family that still live in this area. my hubbies family all live down south as does my family. well, other than leah who could very easily move back too, take a hint. we'll see what the future brings.
what are you grateful for? take a minute to think about it. i am putting together extra aprons for giveaways during the month leading up to my birthday. i'll keep you guys updated. thanks for reading.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
i want to wake up where you are
well, yesterday was monkey's first day as a third grader. she had a great day, and is excited about the school year. she's not sure if the teacher will let her test on Harry Potter or not, but she hopes she will. monkey is starting the fifth of the series, and is really enjoying them. she read eragon and was really excited about reading eldest, the sequel. she stopped after the first few pages. she said it was too sad. now as promised a quick blog about a song and my apron escapades. i should have finished my apron this weekend, but i made a mistake and am now furious with myself and the apron. yeah i know, it isn't the aprons fault that i misread the pattern. now on to the song on my playlist: it is slide by the goo goo dolls.
Could you whisper in my ear
The things you wanna feel
I'd give you anythin'
To feel it comin'
Do you wake up on your own
And wonder where you are?
You live with all your faults
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything at all
So why don't you slide
Yeah, I'm gonna let it slide
Don't you love the life you killed?
The priest is on the phone
Your father hit the wall
Your ma disowned you
Don't suppose I'll ever know
What it means to be a man
It's somethin' I can't change
I'll live around it
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything at all
So why don't you slide
Ooh, slide
And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
Oh, May
Put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
Oh, May
Do you wanna get married Or run away?
And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
Oh, May
Put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
Oh, May
Do you wanna get married
Or run away?
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything
And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete
(Yeah, slide)
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
(yeah slide)
And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete
(Yeah slide)
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
(Oh, oh slide)
Yeah, slide between the sheets of all them beds you never knew
(Yeah slide)
Why don't you slide into my room
Just slide into my room
Oh, we'll run away, run away, run away
yes, i know the song is written about something not very happy, but every time i hear it i grin. this song came out around the time i got married. my nick name is bei, pronounced bay, so when finch would hear this he would sing to me "bei do you wanna get married, or run away." when we were driving to vegas to get married slide played on every radio station all the way there. now i have a question for you. what songs bring a smile to your face? i'll post the full story of bei and finch on sept. 12. that is the 10 year anniversary of our first date. hope you guys are having a great week.
Could you whisper in my ear
The things you wanna feel
I'd give you anythin'
To feel it comin'
Do you wake up on your own
And wonder where you are?
You live with all your faults
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything at all
So why don't you slide
Yeah, I'm gonna let it slide
Don't you love the life you killed?
The priest is on the phone
Your father hit the wall
Your ma disowned you
Don't suppose I'll ever know
What it means to be a man
It's somethin' I can't change
I'll live around it
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything at all
So why don't you slide
Ooh, slide
And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
Oh, May
Put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
Oh, May
Do you wanna get married Or run away?
And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
Oh, May
Put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
Oh, May
Do you wanna get married
Or run away?
I wanna wake up where you are
I won't say anything
And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete
(Yeah, slide)
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
(yeah slide)
And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete
(Yeah slide)
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
(Oh, oh slide)
Yeah, slide between the sheets of all them beds you never knew
(Yeah slide)
Why don't you slide into my room
Just slide into my room
Oh, we'll run away, run away, run away
yes, i know the song is written about something not very happy, but every time i hear it i grin. this song came out around the time i got married. my nick name is bei, pronounced bay, so when finch would hear this he would sing to me "bei do you wanna get married, or run away." when we were driving to vegas to get married slide played on every radio station all the way there. now i have a question for you. what songs bring a smile to your face? i'll post the full story of bei and finch on sept. 12. that is the 10 year anniversary of our first date. hope you guys are having a great week.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
i'm your recent adaptation
well some of a kind has reached her 200th post, and she is willing to give away one of her awesome aprons. you need to head over and leave her a comment. she wants to know why you wear aprons, how many you have. also if you have a good bread recipe she'd like that too. show some love tell her good job. here is my foccacia recipe.
1 c. warm water(110 degress)
2 1/2 tsp (1 envelope) active dry yeast
3 Tbsp olive oil
5 c flour
2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp fresh herb (i love oregano or rosemary or basil)
1 c milk
garlic salt
put water in bowl, whisk in yeast and 3 Tbsp oil. measure flour, 2 tsp salt, and herb into mixing bowl, stir. add yeast mixture and milk to dry ingredients. mix until all flour is moist, then mix thoroughly for 1 minute. cover bowl let rise 1 hour or until doubled in size. oil a jelly roll pan, turn dough out onto pan. press into pan. dimple dough with fingertips then drizzle with olive oil. sprinkle with garlic salt and more herb if you would like. let rise an hour or until doubled in size. preheat oven to 450 degrees. bake 25 minutes, check 1/2 way through baking, if browning too quickly place another pan beneath. THIS IS MY ADAPTATION OF THE ROSEMARY FOCACCIA RECIPE FROM HOW TO BAKE BY NICK MALGIERI.
1 c. warm water(110 degress)
2 1/2 tsp (1 envelope) active dry yeast
3 Tbsp olive oil
5 c flour
2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp fresh herb (i love oregano or rosemary or basil)
1 c milk
garlic salt
put water in bowl, whisk in yeast and 3 Tbsp oil. measure flour, 2 tsp salt, and herb into mixing bowl, stir. add yeast mixture and milk to dry ingredients. mix until all flour is moist, then mix thoroughly for 1 minute. cover bowl let rise 1 hour or until doubled in size. oil a jelly roll pan, turn dough out onto pan. press into pan. dimple dough with fingertips then drizzle with olive oil. sprinkle with garlic salt and more herb if you would like. let rise an hour or until doubled in size. preheat oven to 450 degrees. bake 25 minutes, check 1/2 way through baking, if browning too quickly place another pan beneath. THIS IS MY ADAPTATION OF THE ROSEMARY FOCACCIA RECIPE FROM HOW TO BAKE BY NICK MALGIERI.
Friday, August 22, 2008
as easy as A B C
i was tagged by vanilla frog to do an a-z meme, so here you go.
A. Attached or Single? Attached for almost 10 years now
B. Best Friend? fincher
C. Cake or Pie? yes please
D. Day of Choice? everyday has its own benefits. Friday because of pizza night
E. Essential Item? my family and friends, can't live with out them
F. Flavor of Ice Cream? how can one choose? mint chocolate chip or cherry chocolate chip or blood orange sherbet.
G. Gummy Bears or Worms? worms to go in dirt pudding, but bears to eat by themselves. did you know that if you put a gummy bear in a container of water it will swell up and look really gross?
H. Hometown? in the words of soul asylum "oh i am so homesick, yet it ain't that bad. cause I'm homesick for the home I've never had."
I. Indulgences? cookbooks and magazines
J. January or July? January, i don't do well in the heat
K. Kids? 2 for now.
L. Last Movie I Saw In A Theater? HAHAHA. i don't go to the theater i have a toddler
M. Middle Name? bonafacia
N. Number of Siblings? 2 half, one whole
O. Oranges or Apples? yes, please. i am really picky about apples
P. Phobia or Fear? spiders
Q. Quote? are we there yet? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." -miss piggy
R. Reason to Smile? my life
S. Season? winter or spring or autumn
T. Tag Four More? well, vanilla tagged my regular people, so i tag hot cup, ramfam, pattylicious, and sweetbutterflys3. not sure who else reads this, so if you want to join in i tag you too.
U. Unknown Fact About Me? i love stamps and stickers and fabric, really can't get enough.
V. Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? HUGE oppressor.
W. Worst Habit? coke zero
X. X-Rays or Ultra-Sounds? well, the only time I've had an ultra-sound is when i was preggers, so I'll take one of those please.
Y. Your Favorite Food? food, in general. i didn't get looking like this because I'm a picky eater.
Z. Zodiac? as in the killer, you know they never caught him right. oh you wanted to know my sign sorry, Libra.
what a great way to start the weekend. enjoy, and hey no surprises in my inbox this weekend please.
A. Attached or Single? Attached for almost 10 years now
B. Best Friend? fincher
C. Cake or Pie? yes please
D. Day of Choice? everyday has its own benefits. Friday because of pizza night
E. Essential Item? my family and friends, can't live with out them
F. Flavor of Ice Cream? how can one choose? mint chocolate chip or cherry chocolate chip or blood orange sherbet.
G. Gummy Bears or Worms? worms to go in dirt pudding, but bears to eat by themselves. did you know that if you put a gummy bear in a container of water it will swell up and look really gross?
H. Hometown? in the words of soul asylum "oh i am so homesick, yet it ain't that bad. cause I'm homesick for the home I've never had."
I. Indulgences? cookbooks and magazines
J. January or July? January, i don't do well in the heat
K. Kids? 2 for now.
L. Last Movie I Saw In A Theater? HAHAHA. i don't go to the theater i have a toddler
M. Middle Name? bonafacia
N. Number of Siblings? 2 half, one whole
O. Oranges or Apples? yes, please. i am really picky about apples
P. Phobia or Fear? spiders
Q. Quote? are we there yet? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." -miss piggy
R. Reason to Smile? my life
S. Season? winter or spring or autumn
T. Tag Four More? well, vanilla tagged my regular people, so i tag hot cup, ramfam, pattylicious, and sweetbutterflys3. not sure who else reads this, so if you want to join in i tag you too.
U. Unknown Fact About Me? i love stamps and stickers and fabric, really can't get enough.
V. Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? HUGE oppressor.
W. Worst Habit? coke zero
X. X-Rays or Ultra-Sounds? well, the only time I've had an ultra-sound is when i was preggers, so I'll take one of those please.
Y. Your Favorite Food? food, in general. i didn't get looking like this because I'm a picky eater.
Z. Zodiac? as in the killer, you know they never caught him right. oh you wanted to know my sign sorry, Libra.
what a great way to start the weekend. enjoy, and hey no surprises in my inbox this weekend please.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
you're no good, you're no good, you're no good, baby you're no good
this has been a tough week for me. instead of concentrating on the AWESOME aprons i am making, i have been in serious self doubt and quandary. if those responsible for that are reading, thank you. it has been a week of reflection. well, i know everyone has been waiting anxiously for my thankful list this week. here it is:
1. revelations- not the book in the bible mind you, it just confuses me. you know in movies and tv shows the moment you realize that the one you think is a good guy turns out to be the homicidal clown, well Monday and Tuesday were something like that for me.
2. those who shine- not shiny foreheads. you know those people who are genuinely good, and their goodness and kindness just seems to radiate from them. i know it isn't "proper" to use real names on here, but rosemond this ones for you, thanks.
3. cell phones- yes, they can be annoying, but the ability to get in touch with someone is amazing. last night we had an incident at the church. it turned out to be nothing serious, but it was very concerning at the time. the ability to call the person we needed and get the problem resolved, well that's good stuff.
4. freedom- some times we dwell on all the problems that our country is having, and we don't remember all of the wonderful freedoms we enjoy.
5. second chances- we had a fellow living in our apartment a while back who's soon to be bride dumped him for someone else. now this fellow had his problems, but i do believe everyone deserves happiness. he is now married to a lovely, wonderful, kind woman. glad he got another chance.
6. crafting- this is a great release for tension, anger, frustration, sadness, and all the other junk that clouds the mind.
7. Wednesdays- yes, they are the busiest day of my week, but the kindness of the people at church is so helpful. it helps me to realize that i am not a bad person, or pretending to be someone I'm not. thanks for all the kind words when i needed them.
8. rain- we had our 6th day in a row of not even hitting 80. along with the wonderful cool weather has been a nice steady rain. mmmm. love days like that.
9. music- i have always enjoyed music. in fact i can often find a song to express how i feel when words escape me.
10. the future- and all the possibilities that it holds.
shelly, thank you for the kind comments and wise words. take some time to think about what you're thankful for. don't worry about the haters, they need drama to make them feel important. victimization and martyrdom complex are necessary tools for them to feel worth and importance. take care dear reader and have an AWESOME weekend.
1. revelations- not the book in the bible mind you, it just confuses me. you know in movies and tv shows the moment you realize that the one you think is a good guy turns out to be the homicidal clown, well Monday and Tuesday were something like that for me.
2. those who shine- not shiny foreheads. you know those people who are genuinely good, and their goodness and kindness just seems to radiate from them. i know it isn't "proper" to use real names on here, but rosemond this ones for you, thanks.
3. cell phones- yes, they can be annoying, but the ability to get in touch with someone is amazing. last night we had an incident at the church. it turned out to be nothing serious, but it was very concerning at the time. the ability to call the person we needed and get the problem resolved, well that's good stuff.
4. freedom- some times we dwell on all the problems that our country is having, and we don't remember all of the wonderful freedoms we enjoy.
5. second chances- we had a fellow living in our apartment a while back who's soon to be bride dumped him for someone else. now this fellow had his problems, but i do believe everyone deserves happiness. he is now married to a lovely, wonderful, kind woman. glad he got another chance.
6. crafting- this is a great release for tension, anger, frustration, sadness, and all the other junk that clouds the mind.
7. Wednesdays- yes, they are the busiest day of my week, but the kindness of the people at church is so helpful. it helps me to realize that i am not a bad person, or pretending to be someone I'm not. thanks for all the kind words when i needed them.
8. rain- we had our 6th day in a row of not even hitting 80. along with the wonderful cool weather has been a nice steady rain. mmmm. love days like that.
9. music- i have always enjoyed music. in fact i can often find a song to express how i feel when words escape me.
10. the future- and all the possibilities that it holds.
shelly, thank you for the kind comments and wise words. take some time to think about what you're thankful for. don't worry about the haters, they need drama to make them feel important. victimization and martyrdom complex are necessary tools for them to feel worth and importance. take care dear reader and have an AWESOME weekend.
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